Learning SQL, 2/e (Paperback)

Alan Beaulieu




Updated for the latest database management systems -- including MySQL 6.0, Oracle 11g, and Microsoft's SQL Server 2008 -- this introductory guide will get you up and running with SQL quickly. Whether you need to write database applications, perform administrative tasks, or generate reports, Learning SQL, Second Edition, will help you easily master all the SQL fundamentals.

Each chapter presents a self-contained lesson on a key SQL concept or technique, with numerous illustrations and annotated examples. Exercises at the end of each chapter let you practice the skills you learn. With this book, you will:


  • Move quickly through SQL basics and learn several advanced features
  • Use SQL data statements to generate, manipulate, and retrieve data
  • Create database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints, using SQL schema statements
  • Learn how data sets interact with queries, and understand the importance of subqueries
  • Convert and manipulate data with SQL's built-in functions, and use conditional logic in data statements

Knowledge of SQL is a must for interacting with data. With Learning SQL, you'll quickly learn how to put the power and flexibility of this language to work.


更新至最新的資料庫管理系統,包括MySQL 6.0、Oracle 11g和Microsoft的SQL Server 2008,這本入門指南將幫助您快速上手SQL。無論您需要撰寫資料庫應用程式、執行管理任務還是生成報表,《學習SQL》第二版都將幫助您輕鬆掌握所有SQL基礎知識。


- 快速掌握SQL基礎知識並學習一些高級功能
- 使用SQL數據語句生成、操作和檢索數據
- 使用SQL模式語句創建資料庫對象,如表、索引和約束
- 了解數據集如何與查詢互動,並理解子查詢的重要性
- 使用SQL內置函數轉換和操作數據,並在數據語句中使用條件邏輯


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