Small Town Rules: How Big Brands and Small Businesses Can Prosper in a Connected Economy (Hardcover)

Barry J. Moltz, Becky McCray



Technology and economics are transforming business in a completely unexpected way: suddenly, even the largest companies must compete as if they were small, local businesses. Suddenly, your customers can talk to everyone else across the nation, and people listen to them, not your carefully crafted advertising or branding. It's just like doing business in a small town, where "reputation is forever." Suddenly, communities and personal connections are critical to your success - just as they've always been in small towns. The best small-town and rural entrepreneurs have been successfully overcoming these challenges for centuries. Their lessons and techniques are suddenly intensely valuable to even the largest companies, most dominant brands, and most cosmopolitan businesses. Small Town Rules adapts these lessons and techniques for today's new "global small town": one knitted together through the Web, Facebook, and Twitter. Two pioneering entrepreneurs and social media experts show how to:

* Survive seasonal cycles and year-to-year fluctuations the way rural farmers and businesses do

* Use "small town entrepreneur secrets" for coping with limited access to people and capital

* Reduce risk by "piecing together" multiple income sources * Start using customer-driven communication to your advantage

* Interact with customers on a more human scale, no matter how big you are

* Rediscover your company's local roots, and more


科技和經濟正在以一種完全出乎意料的方式改變商業:突然間,即使是最大的公司也必須像小型本地企業一樣競爭。突然間,你的客戶可以與全國其他地方的人交談,而人們聽他們說的話,而不是你精心打造的廣告或品牌。這就像在小鎮做生意一樣,「名譽是永恆的」。突然間,社區和人際關係對你的成功至關重要 - 就像在小鎮上一直以來一樣。最好的小鎮和鄉村企業家幾個世紀以來一直成功地克服這些挑戰。他們的經驗和技巧對於即使是最大的公司、最主導的品牌和最國際化的企業來說,也突然變得非常有價值。《小鎮規則》將這些經驗和技巧適應到今天的新「全球小鎮」:通過網絡、Facebook和Twitter緊密聯繫在一起的小鎮。兩位開創性的企業家和社交媒體專家展示了如何:*像農民和企業一樣應對季節循環和年度波動*使用「小鎮企業家的秘訣」應對有限的人力和資本*通過「拼湊」多個收入來源降低風險*開始利用以客戶為導向的溝通優勢*與客戶以更人性化的方式互動,無論你有多大*重新發現你公司的本地根源,等等