Data Visualization in Excel: A Guide for Beginners, Intermediates, and Wonks

Schwabish, Jonathan



This book closes the gap between what people think Excel can do and what they can achieve in the tool. Over the past few years, recognition of the importance of effectively visualizing data has led to an explosion of data analysis and visualization software tools. But for many people, Microsoft Excel continues to be the workhorse for their data visualization needs, not to mention the only tool that many data workers have access to. Although Excel is not a specialist data visualization platform, it does have strong capabilities. The default chart types do not need to be the limit of the tool's data visualization capabilities, and users can extend its features by understanding some key elements and strategies. Data Visualization in Excel provides a step-by-step guide to creating more advanced and often more effective data visualizations in Excel and is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to create better, more effective, and more engaging data visualizations.


這本書填補了人們對於 Excel 可以做什麼和他們在這個工具上能夠實現的差距。在過去幾年中,對於有效視覺化數據的重要性的認識導致了數據分析和視覺化軟件工具的爆炸式增長。但對於許多人來說,Microsoft Excel 仍然是他們數據視覺化需求的工作馬,更不用說許多數據工作者只能使用這個工具。儘管 Excel 不是一個專業的數據視覺化平台,但它具有強大的功能。預設的圖表類型不需要限制工具的數據視覺化能力,用戶可以通過理解一些關鍵元素和策略來擴展其功能。《Excel 中的數據視覺化》提供了一個逐步指南,教你如何在 Excel 中創建更高級且通常更有效的數據視覺化,是任何想要創建更好、更有效和更引人入勝的數據視覺化的人的完美指南。


JONATHAN SCHWABISH is an economist and data communication expert. Dr Schwabish is considered a leader in the data visualization field and is a leading voice for clarity and accessibility in research. He is a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, a non-profit research institution in Washington, D.C., and is the founder of the data visualization and presentation skills firm, PolicyViz.


JONATHAN SCHWABISH是一位經濟學家和數據傳達專家。Schwabish博士被認為是數據可視化領域的領導者,並且在研究的清晰度和可理解性方面具有領先的聲音。他是華盛頓特區的非營利研究機構Urban Institute的高級研究員,也是數據可視化和演示技巧公司PolicyViz的創始人。