Hacking Marketing: Agile Practices to Make Marketing Smarter, Faster, and More Innovative(Hardcover)

Scott Brinker




Apply software-inspired management concepts to accelerate modern marketing

In many ways, modern marketing has more in common with the software profession than it does with classic marketing management. As surprising as that may sound, it's the natural result of the world going digital. Marketing must move faster, adapt more quickly to market feedback, and manage an increasingly complex set of customer experience touchpoints. All of these challenges are shaped by the dynamics of software—from the growing number of technologies in our own organizations to the global forces of the Internet at large.

But you can turn that to your advantage. And you don't need to be technical to do it.

Hacking Marketing will show you how to conquer those challenges by adapting successful management frameworks from the software industry to the practice of marketing for any business in a digital world. You'll learn about agile and lean management methodologies, innovation techniques used by high-growth technology companies that any organization can apply, pragmatic approaches for scaling up marketing in a fragmented and constantly shifting environment, and strategies to unleash the full potential of talent in a digital age.

Marketing responsibilities and tactics have changed dramatically over the past decade. This book now updates marketing management to better serve this rapidly evolving discipline.

  • Increase the tempo of marketing's responsiveness without chaos or burnout
  • Design "continuous" marketing programs and campaigns that constantly evolve
  • Drive growth with more marketing experiments while actually reducing risk
  • Architect marketing capabilities in layers to better scale and adapt to change
  • Balance strategic focus with the ability to harness emergent opportunities

As a marketer and a manager, Hacking Marketing will expand your mental models for how to lead marketing in a digital world where everything—including marketing—flows with the speed and adaptability of software.





《Hacking Marketing》將向您展示如何通過將軟體行業的成功管理框架適應到數位世界中的任何業務的行銷實踐中,克服這些挑戰。您將了解敏捷和精益管理方法論,這些方法論是高增長技術公司使用的創新技術,任何組織都可以應用;在碎片化且不斷變化的環境中擴大行銷的務實方法;以及在數位時代釋放人才的全部潛力的策略。


- 在不混亂或疲憊的情況下提高行銷的反應速度
- 設計不斷演進的「持續」行銷計劃和活動
- 通過更多行銷實驗來推動增長,同時實際降低風險
- 以層次結構架構行銷能力,以更好地擴展和適應變化
- 在戰略焦點和利用新興機會的能力之間取得平衡

作為一名行銷人員和經理,《Hacking Marketing》將擴展您對如何在一個數位世界中領導行銷的思維模式,其中包括行銷以軟體的速度和適應性流動的一切。