Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 4/e (AE-Paperback)

Robert Parrino , Thomas Bates , Stuart L. Gillan , David S. Kidwell



Improved Content, Presentation, and Organization
In preparing this edition of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, we extensively edited discussions throughout the text and added new content to improve the depth and effectiveness of the presentation. We also substantially modified the layout of the text to enhance the accessibility of the content in on line applications, such as Wiley PLUS. The changes that we made to the content and writing are too numerous to discuss in detail here. However, examples include the addition of more in-text calculations related to cash flows associated with working capital and long term investments in Chapter 3, the addition of a new section on arithmetic versus geometric returils in Chapter 7, and streamlining of some of bond calculation discussions in Chapter 8. Throughout the text we added callouts for the Leaming by Doing Applications and Decision Making Examples to improve the flow of the presentation. We also added two new ethics cases, one on pricing in the pharmaceutical industry and a second on the controversy at Wells Fargo regarding the  stablishment of new accounts without customer permission. These new cases, along with updated versions of six of the ethics cases from the previous edition, provide the instructor with a broad range ethical issues from which to choose.
Current Financial Market and Business Information
Throughout the text, all financial market and business information for which more current data are available have been updated. Not only have the exhibits been updated, but financial values such as interest rates, risk premia, and foreign currency exchange rates have been updated throughout the discussions in text, in-text examples, and end-of-chapter problems. In addition, all of the chapter opener vignettes have either been replaced or updated. Six of these examples are from 2016 and 15 are from 2017. All of the chapter openers provide timely examples of how the material covered in the chapter is relevant to financial decision-making.
●In-Chapter Features
The Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter have been revised to more fully reflect the important content in the associated sections of the chapters. New Building Intuition Boxes have been added where appropriate and existing Building Intuition Boxes have been edited to ensure clarity. All Learning by Doing Applications have been reviewed and, where appropriate, updated or replaced. All Decision-Making Examples have been reviewed and updated where necessary. The Summary of Learning Objectives and Key Equations at the end of each chapter have been updated to reflect changes in the chapter text and to improve the pedagogical value of these features.
●Refined and Extended Problem Sets
We have carefully edited the end-of-chapter questions and problems throughout the book t:O ensure that the examples are current and clearly presented. New Self-Study Problems, Discussion Questions, and Questions and Problems have been added to ensure appropriate coverage of key concepts at all levels of difficulty. The total number of end-of-chapter questions and problems, including self-study problems and self-test questions, for the entire text has increased to l,200.
●Engaging Digitally
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Fourth Edition, is completely integrated with WileyPLUS, featuring a suite of teaching and learning resources developed under the close review of the authors. Driven by the same basic beliefs as the textbook, WileyPLUS allows students to create a personalized study plan, assess their progress along the way, and access the content and resources needed to master the material. WileyPLUS provides immediate insight to student strengths and problem areas with visual reports that highlight what's most important for both the instructor and student.


1 The Financial Manager and the Firm 
2 The Financial System and the Level of Interest Rates
3 Financial Statements, Cash Flows, and Taxes
4 Analyzing Financial Statements
5 The Time Value of Money 
6 Discounted Cash Flows and Valuation
7 Risk and Return
8 Bond Valuation and the Structure of Interest Rates
9 Stock Valuation
10 The Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting
11 Cash Flows and Capital Budgeting
12 Evaluating Project Economics
13 The Cost of Capital
14 Working Capital Management
15 How Firms Raise Capital 
16 Capital Structure Policy
17 Dividends, Stock Repurchases, and Payout Policy
18 Business Formation, Growth, and Valuation
19 Financial Planning and Managing Growth
20 Options and Corporate Finance
21 International Financial Management
Appendix A Future Value and Present Value Tables A-1
Appendix B Solutions to Odd Problems