Principles of Physics,11/e (Paperback) (Taiwan Custom Version)

Walker , Halliday




Modules and learning Objectives "What was I supposed to learn from this section?" Students have asked me this question for decades, from the weakest student to the strongest. The problem is that even a thoughtful student may not'1feel confident that the important points were captured while reading a section. I felt the same way back when I was using the first edition of Halliday and Resnick while taking first-year physics.
To ease the problem in this edition, I restructured the chapters into concept modules based on a primary theme and begin each module with a list of the module's learning objectives. The list is an explicit statement of the skills and learning points that should be gathered in reading the module. Each list is following by a brief summary of the key ideas that should also be gathered. For example, check out the first module in Chapter 16, where a student faces a truck load of concepts and terms.Rather than depending on the student's ability to gather and sort those ideas, I now provide an explicit checklist that functions somewhat like the checklist a pilot works through before taxiing out to the runway for takeoff.
Links Between Homework Problems and Learning Objectives In WileyPLUS, every question and problem at the end of the chapter is linked to a learning objective, to answer the (usually unspoken) questions, "Why am I working this problem? What am I supposed to learn from it?" By being explicit about a problem's purpose, I believe that a student might better transfer the learning objective to other problems with a different wording but the same key idea. Such transference would help defeat the common trouble that a student learns to work a particular problem but cannot then apply its key idea to a problem in a different setting.
Rewritten Chapters My students have continued to be challenged by several key chapters and by spots in several other chapters and so, in this edition, I rewrote a lot of the material. For example, I redesigned the chapters on Gauss' law and electric potential, which have proved to be tough-going for my students. The presentations are now smoother and more direct to the key points. In the quantum chapters, I expanded the coverage of the Schrodinger equation, including reflection of matter waves from a step potential. At the request of several instructors, I decoupled the discussion of the Bohr atom from the Schrodinger solution for the hydrogen atom so that the historical account of Bohr's work can be bypassed. Also, there is now a module on Planck's blackbody radiation.
New Sample Problems Sixteen new sample problems have been added to the chapters, written so as to spotlight some of the difficult areas for my students.
Video Illustrations In the e Version of the text available in WileyPLUS, David Maiullo of Rutgers University has created video versions of approximately 30 of the photographs and figures from the text. Much of physics is the study of things that move and video can often provide a better representation than a static photo or figure.
Online Aid Wiley PLUS is not just an online grading program. Rather, it is a dynamic learning center stocked with many different learning aids, including just-in-time problem-solving tutorials, embedded reading quizzes to encourage reading, animated figures, hundreds of sample problems, loads of simulations and demonstrations, and over 1500 videos ranging from math reviews to minilectures to examples. More of these learning aids are added every semester. For this 10th edition of Principles of Physics, some of the photos involving motion have been converted into videos so that the motion can be slowed and analyzed.
These thousands of learning aids are available 24/7 and can be repeated as many times as desired. Thus, if a student gets stuck on a homework problem at, say, 2:00 AM (which appears to be a popular time for doing physics homework), friendly and helpful resources are available at the click of a mouse.







在WileyPLUS中提供的電子版本中,來自Rutgers大學的David Maiullo創建了大約30個照片和圖片的視頻版本。物理學的很大一部分是研究運動的事物,視頻通常可以提供比靜態照片或圖片更好的表現。




Jearl Walker, professor of physics at Cleveland State University, received his BS in physics from MIT in 1967 and his PhD in physics from University of Maryland in 1973. His book The Flying Circus of Physicswas published 30 years ago, has been translated into at least 10 languages, and is still being sold world wide. For 16 years he toured his Flying Circus talk throughout the U.S. and Canada, introducing such physics stunts as the bed-of-nails demonstration and the walking-on-hot-coals demonstration to countless physics teachers, who then proceeded to hurt themselves when they repeated the stunts in their own classrooms. These talks led to his PBS television show Kinetic Karnival which ran nationally for years and which earned an Emmy.
David Halliday is associated with the University of Pittsburgh as Professor Emeritus. As department chair in 1960, he and Robert Resnick collaborated on Physics for Students of Science and Engineering and then on Fundamentals of PhysicsFundamentals is currently in its eighth edition and has since been handed over from Halliday and Resnick to Jearl Walker. Dr. Halliday is retired and resides in Seattle.
Robert Resnick is professor emeritus at Rensselaer and the former Edward P. Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Science Education, 1974-93. Together with his co-author David Halliday, he revolutionized physics education with their now famous textbook on general physics, still one of the most highly regarded texts in the field today.


Jearl Walker,克利夫蘭州立大學的物理學教授,於1967年從麻省理工學院獲得物理學學士學位,並於1973年從馬里蘭大學獲得物理學博士學位。他的書籍《物理學的飛行馬戲團》於30年前出版,已經被翻譯成至少10種語言,並且仍在全球銷售。在過去的16年裡,他在美國和加拿大巡迴演講《飛行馬戲團》,向無數物理教師介紹了諸如釘床示範和走火炭示範等物理特技,這些教師在自己的課堂上重複這些特技時,往往會受傷。這些演講還使他獲得了他的PBS電視節目《動力嘉年華》,該節目在全國播出多年並獲得了艾美獎。

David Halliday是匹茲堡大學的名譽教授。在1960年擔任系主任期間,他與Robert Resnick合作編寫了《物理學:科學和工程學學生專用》和《物理學基礎》。《物理學基礎》目前已經出版到第八版,並且已經由Halliday和Resnick移交給Jearl Walker。Halliday博士已經退休,現居於西雅圖。

Robert Resnick是倫斯勒理工學院的名譽教授,曾任1974年至1993年的愛德華·P·漢密爾頓杰出科學教育教授。他與合著者David Halliday一起通過他們現在著名的普通物理教科書,徹底改革了物理教育,該教科書至今仍然是該領域中最受推崇的教材之一。


1 Measurement
2 Motion Along a Straight Line
3 Vector
4 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
5 Force and Motion I
6 Force and Motion II
7 Kinetic Energy and Work
8 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
9 Center of Mass and Linear Momentum
10 Rotation
11Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum
12 Equilibrium and Elasticity
13 Gravitation
14 Fluids
15 Oscillations
16 Waves I
17 Waves II
18 Temperature, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics
19 The Kinetic Theory of Gases
20 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
21 Electric Charge
22 Electric Fields
23 Gauss’ Law
24 Electric Potential
25 Capacitance
26 Current and Resistance
27 Circuits
28 Magnetic Fields
29 Magnetic Fields Due to Currents
30 Induction and Inductance
31 Electromagnetic Oscillations and Alternating Current
32 Maxwell’s Equations; Magnetism of Matter
33 Electromagnetic Waves
34 Images
35 Interference
36 Diffraction
37 Relativity
38 Photons and Matter Waves
39 More About Matter Waves
40 All About Atoms
41 Conduction of Electricity in Solids
42 Nuclear Physics
43 Energy from the Nucleus
44 Quarks, Leptons, and the Big Bang


1 測量
2 直線運動
3 向量
4 二維和三維運動
5 力和運動 I
6 力和運動 II
7 動能和功
8 位能和能量守恆
9 質心和線性動量
10 旋轉
11 滾動、力矩和角動量
12 平衡和彈性
13 重力
14 流體
15 振動
16 波 I
17 波 II
18 溫度、熱和熱力學第一定律
19 氣體動力學理論
20 熵和熱力學第二定律
21 電荷
22 電場
23 高斯定律
24 電位
25 電容
26 電流和電阻
27 電路
28 磁場
29 電流產生的磁場
30 電磁感應和電感
31 電磁振盪和交流電
32 麥克斯韋方程組;物質的磁性
33 電磁波
34 影像
35 干涉
36 衍射
37 相對論
38 光子和物質波
39 更多關於物質波
40 原子的一切
41 固體中的電導
42 核物理學
43 核能
44 夸克、輕子和宇宙大爆炸