The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Turing, Third Edition

Martin Davis



The breathtakingly rapid pace of change in computing makes it easy to overlook the pioneers who began it all. Written by Martin Davis, respected logician and researcher in the theory of computation, The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Turing explores the fascinating lives, ideas, and discoveries of seven remarkable mathematicians. It tells the stories of the unsung heroes of the computer age – the logicians.



在計算機領域中,變化的驚人速度往往讓人忽略了那些開創者的貢獻。《通用計算機:從萊布尼茨到圖靈的道路》是由馬丁·戴維斯(Martin Davis)撰寫的,他是一位在計算理論領域中備受尊敬的邏輯學家和研究者。這本書探索了七位傑出數學家的生平、思想和發現,讓我們了解到這些邏輯學家在計算機時代中的無名英雄故事。