Learn Java for Android Development, 3/e (Paperback)

Jeff Friesen




Learn Java for Android Development, Third Edition, is an update of a strong selling book that now includes a primer on Android app development (in Chapter 1 and Appendix C, which is distributed in the book’s code archive).  This book teaches programmers the essential Java language skills necessary for effectively picking up and using the new Android SDK platform to build mobile, embedded, and even PC apps, especially game apps.

Android development is hot, and many programmers are interested in joining the fun. However, because this technology is based on Java, you should first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and its APIs in order to improve your chances of succeeding as an effective Android app developer. This book helps you do that.

Each of the book’s 16 chapters provides an exercise section that gives you the opportunity to reinforce your understanding of the chapter’s material. Answers to the book’s more than 700 exercises are provided in an appendix. A second appendix provides a significant game-oriented Java application, which you can convert into an Android app. 

Once you complete this one-of-a-kind book written by Jeff Friesen, an expert Java developer and JavaWorld.com columnist, you should be ready to begin your indie or professional Android app development journey.



What you’ll learn

  • The Java skills necessary for Android development
  • The core Java language fundamentals
  • Classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces
  • Advanced Java language features (such as generics)
  • The basic Java APIs necessary for Android (such as the String class and threading)
  • The Collections Framework for organizing objects
  • The Concurrency Utilities for simplifying multithreading
  • Classic and New I/O
  • Networking and database access
  • Parsing, creating, and transforming XML documents
  • Additional APIs for creating and accessing ZIP and JAR files, and more

Who this book is for

This book is for any programmer—including existing Java programmers and Objective-C based iPhone and iPad programmers— of any skill level who needs to obtain a solid understanding of the Java language and foundational Java APIs before jumping into Android app development.

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started with Java

2. Learning Language Fundamentals

3. Discovering Classes and Objects

4. Discovering Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

5. Mastering Advanced Language Features Part 1

6. Mastering Advanced Language Features Part 2

7. Exploring the Basic APIs Part 1

8. Exploring the Basic APIs Part 2

9. Exploring the Collections Framework

10. Exploring the Concurrency Utilities

11. Performing Classic I/O

12. Accessing Networks

13. Migrating to New I/O

14. Accessing Databases

15. Parsing, Creating, and Transforming XML Documents

16. Focusing on Odds and Ends

17. Appendix A: Solutions to Exercises

18. Appendix B: Four of a Kind

19. Appendix C: Getting Started with Android***

***NOTE:  Appendix C is not included in the physical book. Instead, it's distributed as a PDF file that's bundled with the book's code.


《學習Java進行Android開發,第三版》是一本暢銷書的更新版本,現在包含了一個關於Android應用程式開發的入門指南(在第1章和附錄C中,附錄C在書中的程式碼存檔中分發)。本書教授程式設計師必要的Java語言技能,以有效地掌握並使用新的Android SDK平台來建立行動、嵌入式甚至PC應用程式,尤其是遊戲應用程式。



完成這本由Jeff Friesen撰寫的獨一無二的書籍後,您應該準備好開始您的獨立或專業的Android應用程式開發之旅。


- Android開發所需的Java技能
- Java語言的核心基礎知識
- 類、物件、繼承、多態和介面
- 高級Java語言特性(如泛型)
- Android所需的基本Java API(如String類和線程)
- 用於組織物件的集合框架
- 簡化多線程的並發工具
- 經典和新的I/O
- 網絡和數據庫訪問
- 解析、創建和轉換XML文檔
- 用於創建和訪問ZIP和JAR文件等其他API


本書適合任何程式設計師,包括現有的Java程式設計師和基於Objective-C的iPhone和iPad程式設計師,無論技能水平如何,都需要在進入Android應用程式開發之前對Java語言和基礎Java API有扎實的理解。


1. 開始使用Java
2. 學習語言基礎
3. 探索類和物件
4. 探索繼承、多態和介面
5. 掌握高級語言特性第1部分
6. 掌握高級語言特性第2部分
7. 探索基本API第1部分
8. 探索基本API第2部分
9. 探索集合框架
10. 探索並發工具
11. 執行經典I/O
12. 訪問網絡
13. 遷移到新I/O
14. 訪問數據庫
15. 解析、創建和轉換XML文檔
16. 專注於其他事項
17. 附錄A:練習解答
18. 附錄B:四張同花
19. 附錄C:開始使用Android***```