Character Development And Storytelling For Games, 2/e (Paperback)

Lee Sheldon




Written by a professional game writers who also teaches his craft, Lee Sheldon combines his experience and expertise in this updated edition of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND STORYTELLING FOR GAMES. New examples, new game types, and new challenges throughout the text highlight the fundamental importance of characters and storytelling in every type of game. Sheldon emphasizes the importance of creative instinct and listening to the inner voice that guides successful game designers and writers. Join him on his quest to instruct, inform, and maybe even inspire your next great game.


由一位同時也是教授遊戲寫作的專業遊戲作家 Lee Sheldon 撰寫,這本《角色發展與遊戲故事寫作》的更新版結合了他的經驗和專業知識。全書中的新例子、新遊戲類型和新挑戰凸顯了角色和故事在各種遊戲中的基本重要性。Sheldon 強調創造力直覺和聆聽內心聲音對於成功的遊戲設計師和作家的指導作用。加入他的探索之旅,讓他指導、資訊,甚至可能啟發你創作下一款偉大的遊戲。