Figures, Characters and Avatars, 2/e : The Official Guide to Using DAZ Studio to Create Beautiful Art (Paperback)

Les Pardew




Unlock the 3D artist in you using the incredible power of DAZ Studio and other great tools created by DAZ 3D. You'll discover how to construct, move, and pose figures, how to use lighting to make your art look lifelike, and even how to make the characters you create talk. Offering comprehensive coverage of the DAZ Studio software, FIGURES, CHARACTERS, AND AVATARS, SECOND EDITION: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO USING DAZ STUDIO TO CREATE BEAUTIFUL ART will help you become a better artist and show you how to stretch your imagination as you make unique digital art and animation. Included in the book is a gallery of images created by DAZ Studio users.


透過DAZ Studio和DAZ 3D所創造的其他強大工具,發揮你內在的3D藝術家潛能。你將學習如何建構、移動和擺姿勢,如何運用燈光使你的藝術作品看起來栩栩如生,甚至如何讓你創造的角色說話。《FIGURES, CHARACTERS, AND AVATARS, SECOND EDITION: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO USING DAZ STUDIO TO CREATE BEAUTIFUL ART》全面介紹了DAZ Studio軟體,將幫助你成為一位更好的藝術家,並展示如何在創作獨特的數位藝術和動畫時拓展你的想像力。書中還包含了由DAZ Studio使用者創作的圖片畫廊。

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