Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation

Donald House, John C. Keyser




Physics forms the basis for many of the motions and behaviors seen in both the real world and in the virtual worlds of animated films, visual effects, and computer games. By describing the underlying physical principles and then creating simulations based on these principles, these computer-generated worlds are brought to life. Physically Based Modeling and Animation goes behind the scenes of computer animation and details the mathematical and algorithmic foundations that are used to determine the behavior underlying the movement of virtual objects and materials. Dr. Donald House and Dr. John Keyser offer an approachable, hands-on view of the equations and programming that form the foundations of this field. They guide readers from the beginnings of modeling and simulation to more advanced techniques, enabling them to master what they need to know in order to understand and create their own animations


物理學為現實世界和動畫電影、視覺效果和電腦遊戲中所見的許多運動和行為提供了基礎。通過描述潛在的物理原則並基於這些原則創建模擬,這些電腦生成的世界得以栩栩如生。《基於物理的建模和動畫》深入探討了電腦動畫的幕後,詳細介紹了用於確定虛擬物體和材料運動背後行為的數學和算法基礎。Donald House博士和John Keyser博士提供了一種易於理解且實踐的觀點,介紹了構成該領域基礎的方程和編程。他們引導讀者從建模和模擬的初步到更高級的技術,使他們能夠掌握所需的知識,以便理解和創建自己的動畫。