Pro Angular 6, 3/e

Adam Freeman




Get the most from Angular 6, the leading framework for building dynamic JavaScript applications. Understand the MVC pattern and the benefits it can offer.

Best-selling author Adam Freeman shows you how to use Angular in your projects, starting from the nuts and bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need. Chapters include common problems and how to avoid them.


What You’ll Learn
  • Gain a solid architectural understanding of the MVC Pattern
  • Create rich and dynamic web app clients using Angular 6
  • Use the ng tools to create and build an Angular project
  • Extend and customize Angular 6
  • Test your Angular 6 projects
What's New in This Edition
  • Revised for the features and changes in Angular 6
  • Covers @angular/cli, ng command line tools, and WebPack
  • Includes HttpClient for simplified asynchronous HTTP requests
  • Presents updates to pipes and localized text display
Who This Book Is For
Web developers with a foundation knowledge of HTML and JavaScript who want to create rich client-side applications



獲取 Angular 6 的最大效益,這是建立動態 JavaScript 應用程式的領先框架。了解 MVC 模式及其所帶來的好處。

暢銷作家 Adam Freeman 向您展示如何在您的專案中使用 Angular,從基礎知識開始,逐步深入到最先進和複雜的功能,深入探討並提供您所需的知識。章節包括常見問題及其避免方法。


- 獲得對 MVC 模式的堅實架構理解
- 使用 Angular 6 創建豐富且動態的網頁應用程式客戶端
- 使用 ng 工具創建和構建 Angular 專案
- 擴展和自定義 Angular 6
- 測試您的 Angular 6 專案


- 適應 Angular 6 的功能和變更
- 包括 @angular/cli、ng 命令行工具和 WebPack
- 包含 HttpClient,用於簡化異步 HTTP 請求
- 提供管道和本地化文本顯示的更新

本書適合對 HTML 和 JavaScript 有基礎知識的網頁開發人員,他們希望創建豐富的客戶端應用程式。