Essential SQLAlchemy, 2/e (Paperback)

Jason Myers, Rick Copeland




Dive into SQLAlchemy, the popular, open-source code library that helps Python programmers work with relational databases such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgresSQL, and SQLite. Using real-world examples, this practical guide shows you how to build a simple database application with SQLAlchemy, and how to connect to multiple databases simultaneously with the same metadata.

SQL is a powerful language for querying and manipulating data, but it’s tough to integrate it with your application. SQLAlchemy helps you map Python objects to database tables without substantially changing your existing Python code. If you’re an intermediate Python developer with knowledge of basic SQL syntax and relational theory, this book serves as both a learning tool and a handy reference.

Essential SQLAlchemy includes several sections:

  • SQLAlchemy Core: Provide database services to your applications in a Pythonic way with the SQL Expression Language
  • SQLAlchemy ORM: Use the object relational mapper to bind database schema and operations to data objects in your application
  • Alembic: Use this lightweight database migration tool to handle changes to the database as your application evolves
  • Cookbook: Learn how to use SQLAlchemy with web frameworks like Flask and libraries like SQLAcodegen




《Essential SQLAlchemy》包含以下幾個部分:
- SQLAlchemy Core:以Pythonic方式使用SQL表達式語言為應用程式提供資料庫服務
- SQLAlchemy ORM:使用物件關聯映射器將資料庫架構和操作綁定到應用程式中的資料物件
- Alembic:使用這個輕量級的資料庫遷移工具來處理應用程式演進中的資料庫變更
- Cookbook:學習如何在像Flask這樣的網頁框架和SQLAcodegen這樣的程式庫中使用SQLAlchemy

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