Design Leadership: How Top Design Leaders Build and Grow Successful Organizations (Paperback)

Richard Banfield




What does it take to be the leader of a design firm or group? We often assume they have all the answers, but in this rapidly evolving industry they’re forced to find their way like the rest of us. So how do good design leaders manage? If you lead a design group, or want to understand the people who do, this insightful book explores behind-the-scenes strategies and tactics from leaders of top design companies throughout North America.

Based on scores of interviews he conducted over a two-year period—from small companies to massive corporations like ESPN—author Richard Banfield covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • How design leaders create a healthy company culture
  • Innovative ways for attracting and nurturing talent
  • Creating productive workspaces, and handling remote employees
  • Staying on top of demands while making time for themselves
  • Consistent patterns among vastly different leadership styles
  • Techniques and approaches for keeping the work pipeline full
  • Making strategic and tactical plans for the future
  • Mistakes that design leaders made—and how they bounced back



作者Richard Banfield在兩年的時間裡進行了大量的訪談,從小公司到像ESPN這樣的大型企業,涵蓋了各種主題,包括:

- 設計領導者如何創建健康的企業文化
- 吸引和培養人才的創新方法
- 創造高效的工作空間,處理遠程員工
- 在滿足需求的同時為自己留出時間
- 不同領導風格之間的一致模式
- 保持工作流水線充滿的技巧和方法
- 為未來制定戰略和戰術計劃
- 設計領導者犯過的錯誤,以及他們如何彈回
