Python for Finance, 2/e (Paperback)

Yves Hilpisch




The financial industry has recently adopted Python at a tremendous rate, with some of the largest investment banks and hedge funds using it to build core trading and risk management systems. Updated for Python 3, the second edition of this hands-on book helps you get started with the language, guiding developers and quantitative analysts through Python libraries and tools for building financial applications and interactive financial analytics.

Using practical examples throughout the book, author Yves Hilpisch also shows you how to develop a full-fledged framework for Monte Carlo simulation-based derivatives and risk analytics, based on a large, realistic case study. Much of the book uses interactive IPython Notebooks.


金融業最近以驚人的速度採用Python,一些最大的投資銀行和對沖基金使用它來建立核心交易和風險管理系統。第二版的這本實用書籍已更新至Python 3,幫助您入門這個語言,引導開發人員和量化分析師使用Python的庫和工具來建立金融應用和互動式金融分析。

作者Yves Hilpisch在整本書中使用實際例子,還向您展示如何基於一個大型、現實的案例研究,開發一個完整的基於蒙特卡羅模擬的衍生品和風險分析框架。書中的大部分內容使用互動式的IPython Notebooks。

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