Usability for the Web: Designing Web Sites that Work (有污漬)

Tom Brinck, Darren Gergle, Scott D. Wood




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Every stage in the design of a new web site is an opportunity to meet or miss deadlines and budgetary goals. Every stage is an opportunity to boost or undercut the site's usability.

This book tells you how to design usable web sites in a systematic process applicable to almost any business need. You get practical advice on managing the project and incorporating usability principles from the project's inception. This systematic usability process for web design has been developed by the authors and proven again and again in their own successful businesses.

A beacon in a sea of web design titles, this book treats web site usability as a preeminent, practical, and realizable business goal, not a buzzword or abstraction. The book is written for web designers and web project managers seeking a balance between usability goals and business concerns.


  • Examines the entire spectrum of usability issues, including architecture, navigation, graphical presentation, and page structure.
  • Explains clearly the steps relevant to incorporating usability into every stage of the web development process, from requirements to tasks analysis, prototyping and mockups, to user testing, revision, and even postlaunch evaluations.
  • Includes forms, checklists, and practical techniques that you can easily incorporate into your own projects.


Tom Brinck is chief usability officer at Diamond Bullet Design, a firm specializing in web site design and usability consulting. Tom has M.S. degrees in computer science and cognitive psychology from Stanford University and the University of Michigan. He has done user interface research at Apple Computer, Toshiba, and Bellcore and is currently an adjunct faculty member at University of Michigan's School of Information.

Darren Gergle is a Ph.D. student in human-computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. Before beginning his graduate work, he was lead designer at Diamond Bullet Design.

Scott D. Wood is a senior scientist at Soar Technology, an R&D company focused on cognitive modeling, AI, and information visualization. He has more than ten years experience in software development, e-business consulting, cognitive modeling, and HCI. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan.

Table of Contents:

Click here for the full table of contents in PDF

Pervasive Usability
Chapter 1. Usability throughout the Design Process
Chapter 2. Target Audience and Target Platforms
Chapter 3. User Needs Analysis
Conceptual Design
Chapter 4. Task Analysis
Chapter 5. Information Architecture
Mockups and Prototypes
Chapter 6. Page Layout
Chapter 7. Envisioning Design
Chapter 8. Writing for the Web
Chapter 9. Design Elements
Chapter 10. Usability in Software Development
Chapter 11. Pre-Launch and Post-Launch
Chapter 12. Usability Evalutation


PDF versions of forms in the book:

Related Titles:

Human-Computer Interaction



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- 檢視整個可用性議題範疇,包括架構、導航、圖形呈現和頁面結構。
- 清楚解釋將可用性納入網站開發過程的相關步驟,從需求到任務分析、原型和模型,再到使用者測試、修訂,甚至是上線後的評估。
- 包含表格、檢查清單和實用技巧,您可以輕鬆地應用於自己的項目中。

Tom Brinck是Diamond Bullet Design的首席可用性官,該公司專門從事網站設計和可用性諮詢。Tom在斯坦福大學和密歇根大學獲得計算機科學和認知心理學的碩士學位。他曾在蘋果電腦、東芝和貝爾實驗室進行用戶界面研究,目前是密歇根大學資訊學院的兼職教師。

Darren Gergle是卡內基梅隆大學人機交互博士生。在攻讀研究生學位之前,他是Diamond Bullet Design的首席設計師。

Scott D. Wood是Soar Technology的高級科學家,該公司專注於認知建模、人工智能和信息可視化的研發。他在軟件開發、電子商務諮詢、認知建模和人機交互方面擁有十多年的經驗。他擁有密歇根大學的計算機科學和工程博士學位。

- 第1章:設計過程中的可用性
- 第2章:目標受眾和目標平台
- 第3章:用戶需求分析
- 第4章:任務分析
- 第5章:信息架構
- 第6章:頁面佈局
- 第7章:設計構想
- 第8章:為網絡寫作
- 第9章:設計元素
- 第10章:軟件開發中的可用性
- 第11章:上線前和上線後
- 第12章:可用性評估

- 表格3-1:客戶訪談/網站信息工作表
- 表格3-2:目標檢查清單
