The CS Detective: An Algorithmic Tale of Crime, Conspiracy, and Computation

Jeremy Kubica




Meet Frank Runtime. Disgraced ex-detective. Hard-boiled private eye. Search expert.

When a robbery hits police headquarters, it's up to Frank Runtime and his extensive search skills to catch the culprits. In this detective story, you'll learn how to use algorithmic tools to solve the case. Runtime scours smugglers' boats with binary search, tails spies with a search tree, escapes a prison with depth-first search, and picks locks with priority queues. Joined by know-it-all rookie Officer Notation and inept tag-along Socks, he follows a series of leads in a best-first search that unravels a deep conspiracy. Each chapter introduces a thrilling twist matched with a new algorithmic concept, ending with a technical recap.

Perfect for computer science students and amateur sleuths alike, The CS Detective adds an entertaining twist to learning algorithms.

Follow Frank's mission and learn:

  • The algorithms behind best-first and depth-first search, iterative deepening, parallelizing, binary search, and more
  • Basic computational concepts like strings, arrays, stacks, and queues
  • How to adapt search algorithms to unusual data structures
  • The most efficient algorithms to use in a given situation, and when to apply common-sense heuristic methods


遇到警察總部遭搶劫時,我們需要依賴弗蘭克·運行時(Frank Runtime)和他豐富的搜尋技巧來抓住罪犯。在這個偵探故事中,你將學習如何使用演算法工具來解決案件。運行時使用二元搜尋法搜索走私船隻,使用搜尋樹追蹤間諜,使用深度優先搜尋法逃離監獄,並使用優先佇列開鎖。他與自以為是的新手警官Notation和笨手笨腳的Socks一起,按照最佳優先搜尋法的一系列線索,揭開了一個深層陰謀。每一章都介紹了一個令人興奮的轉折,並配以一個新的演算法概念,最後以技術回顧結束。

《The CS Detective》非常適合計算機科學學生和業餘偵探,為學習演算法增添了一個有趣的轉折。

- 最佳優先搜尋法和深度優先搜尋法、迭代加深、並行化、二元搜尋法等背後的演算法
- 字串、陣列、堆疊和佇列等基本計算概念
- 如何適應不尋常的資料結構來調整搜尋演算法
- 在特定情況下使用最有效的演算法,以及何時應用常識啟發式方法。