Unity in Action: Multiplatform game development in C# , 2/e (Paperback)

Joe Hocking




With a huge ecosystem of pre-built game assets, an enthusiastic community of fellow developers, and support for nearly every platform, Unity is a great choice to make your dream game a reality.

Unity in Action, Second Edition teaches readers to write and deploy games with the Unity game development platform. Fully updated to include the latest changes to Unity, new best practices, and an entire chapter on building 2D platformers with Unity's expanded 2D toolkit, this book is essential for any aspiring game developer.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.


憑藉著龐大的預先建置遊戲資源生態系統、熱情洋溢的開發者社群以及對幾乎所有平台的支援,Unity 是實現你夢想遊戲的絕佳選擇。

《Unity 實戰,第二版》教讀者使用 Unity 遊戲開發平台來撰寫和部署遊戲。全面更新以包含 Unity 的最新變化、新的最佳實踐,以及一整章關於使用 Unity 的擴展 2D 工具包建立 2D 平台遊戲。這本書對於任何有志成為遊戲開發者的人來說都是必不可少的。

購買印刷版書籍還包括一本免費的電子書,格式為 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub,由 Manning Publications 提供。

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