Hello World!: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners

Sande, Warren, Sande, Carter




Hello World Third Edition is a fun, easy-to-use guide with copious illustrations and engaging examples. It takes the reader on a playful tour of basic programming concepts and then puts those concepts together to make fun and useful programs. It uses Python, a programming language that is one of the easiest to read, write, and understand.

Like the previous two editions, Hello World Third Edition is not just for kids. While the tone is light and engaging, it doesn't "talk down" to the reader, and beginners of any age will love its readability and sense of humor. Written by Warren Sande and his son, Carter, it is full of examples that will get you thinking and learning. Reviewed by professional educators, this book is kid-tested and parent-approved. You don't need to know anything about programming to use the book, just the basics of using a computer. If you can start a program and save a file, you can learn to program using this book

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.


《Hello World 第三版》是一本有趣且易於使用的指南,內含豐富的插圖和引人入勝的例子。它帶領讀者輕鬆遊覽基本的程式設計概念,並將這些概念結合起來創造出有趣且實用的程式。本書使用的是 Python,一種閱讀、撰寫和理解最容易的程式語言。

和前兩版一樣,《Hello World 第三版》不僅適合兒童。雖然語氣輕鬆有趣,但並不對讀者抱有輕視的態度,任何年齡的初學者都會喜歡它的易讀性和幽默感。本書由 Warren Sande 和他的兒子 Carter 共同撰寫,充滿了能夠啟發思考和學習的例子。經過專業教育工作者的審查,這本書經過了兒童測試並獲得了家長的認可。你不需要了解任何關於程式設計的知識,只需要掌握基本的電腦使用技巧。如果你能夠啟動一個程式並保存一個檔案,你就可以通過這本書學習程式設計。

購買印刷版書籍還包括一本免費的電子書,支援 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式,由 Manning Publications 提供。


Warren Sande is an Electronic Systems Engineer who uses Python as his favorite "do anything" scripting language at work, and also uses it to help teach people about computers and programming. He holds a degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, as well as a Diploma in Communication Arts from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Carter Sande is a high school student who is passionate about technology. When he's not fixing his school's network and helping his classmates recover lost homework, he likes to ride his bike and write retro video games.


Warren Sande是一位電子系統工程師,他在工作中使用Python作為他最喜歡的「萬能」腳本語言,同時也用它來幫助教授人們有關電腦和編程的知識。他擁有加拿大瑞吉納大學的電子系統工程學位,以及南阿爾伯塔技術學院的傳播藝術文憑。

Carter Sande是一位熱愛科技的高中生。當他不在修復學校的網絡和幫助同學找回遺失的作業時,他喜歡騎自行車和編寫復古視頻遊戲。

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