React Design Patterns and Best Practices

Michele Bertoli



Key Features

  • Dive into the core patterns and components of React.js in order to master your application's design
  • Improve their debugging skills using the DevTools
  • This book is packed with easy-to-follow examples that can be used to create reusable code and extensible designs

Book Description

Taking a complete journey through the most valuable design patterns in React, this book demonstrates how to apply design patterns and best practices in real-life situations, whether that's for new or already existing projects. It will help you to make your applications more flexible, perform better, and easier to maintain – giving your workflow a huge boost when it comes to speed without reducing quality.

We'll begin by understanding the internals of React before gradually moving on to writing clean and maintainable code. We'll build components that are reusable across the application, structure applications, and create forms that actually work.

Then we'll style React components and optimize them to make applications faster and more responsive. Finally, we'll write tests effectively and you'll learn how to contribute to React and its ecosystem.

By the end of the book, you'll be saved from a lot of trial and error and developmental headaches, and you will be on the road to becoming a React expert.

What You Will Learn

  • Write clean and maintainable code
  • Create reusable components applying consolidated techniques
  • Use React effectively in the browser and node
  • Choose the right styling approach according to the needs of the applications
  • Use server-side rendering to make applications load faster
  • Build high-performing applications by optimizing components

About the Author

Michele Bertoli is a frontend engineer with a passion for beautiful UIs. Born in Italy, he moved to London with his family to look for new and exciting job opportunities. He has a degree in computer science and loves clean and well-tested code. Currently, he is working with React.js, crafting modern JavaScript applications. He is a big fan of open source and is always trying to learn something new.

Table of Contents

  1. Everything You Should Know About React
  2. Clean Up Your Code
  3. Create Truly Reusable Components
  4. Compose All the Things
  5. Proper Data Fetching
  6. Write Code for the Browser
  7. Make Your Components Look Beautiful
  8. Server-Side Rendering for Fun and Profit
  9. Improve the Performance of Your Applications
  10. About Testing and Debugging
  11. Anti-Patterns to Be Avoided
  12. Next Steps



  • 深入探索React.js的核心模式和組件,以掌握應用程序的設計

  • 使用DevTools提升調試技能

  • 本書充滿了易於跟隨的示例,可用於創建可重用代碼和可擴展的設計


本書通過React中最有價值的設計模式,展示了如何在現實情況中應用設計模式和最佳實踐,無論是對於新項目還是已有項目。它將幫助您使應用程序更靈活,性能更好,更易於維護 - 在提高速度的同時不降低質量。





  • 編寫乾淨且易於維護的代碼

  • 應用已鞏固技術創建可重用組件

  • 在瀏覽器和Node中有效使用React

  • 根據應用程序的需求選擇適當的樣式方法

  • 使用服務器端渲染使應用程序加載更快

  • 通過優化組件構建高性能應用程序


Michele Bertoli 是一位對美觀的用戶界面充滿熱情的前端工程師。他出生於意大利,與家人一起搬到倫敦尋找新的激動人心的工作機會。他擁有計算機科學學位,熱愛乾淨且經過良好測試的代碼。目前,他正在使用React.js開發現代JavaScript應用程序。他是開源的忠實粉絲,並且總是試圖學習新的東西。


  1. 關於React的一切

  2. 整理你的代碼

  3. 創建真正可重用的組件

  4. 組合所有事物

  5. 正確的數據獲取

  6. 為瀏覽器編寫代碼

  7. 使你的組件看起來漂亮

  8. 為了樂趣和利益進行服務器端渲染

  9. 提高應用程序的性能

  10. 關於測試和調試

  11. 應該避免的反模式

  12. 下一步