50大商業思想家論壇:當代最具影響力 12 位大師談策略

史都華‧克萊納, 德‧迪樂夫 (Stuart Crainer,Des Dearlove)、譚天 譯

  • 出版商: 美商麥格羅希爾
  • 出版日期: 2014-07-24
  • 定價: $360
  • 售價: 9.0$324
  • 語言: 繁體中文
  • 頁數: 312
  • ISBN: 9863411272
  • ISBN-13: 9789863411277
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)







.了解競爭優勢 ─ 哥倫比亞大學商學研究所教授莉塔‧麥奎斯
.直取核心 ─ 核心競爭力理論創始人C.K.普哈拉與蓋瑞‧哈默爾、貝恩管理顧問公司全球策略業務負責人克利斯‧祖克
.超優勢競爭 ─ 達特茅斯塔克商學院策略管理學教授理察‧達凡尼
.探討藍海 ─ 歐洲工商管理學院教授金偉燦、蘭妮‧莫伯尼
.策略行動 ─麥基爾大學管理學教授亨利‧明茲伯格、多倫多大學羅特曼管理學院院長羅傑‧馬丁
.策略與社會相會 ─ 西班牙IE商學院非市場策略中心主任大衛‧巴克
.當策略接觸現實世界 ─ 西班牙IESE商學院全球策略講座教授潘卡‧葛馬萬、《好策略‧壞策略》作者理查 ‧魯梅特


前中山大學EMBA執行長 方至民
中山大學管理學院教授 蔡敦浩
政治大學講座教授 司徒達賢


前 言 策略,領導組織脫困的核心要件
第1章 策略學的由來
第2章 了解競爭優勢
第3章 直取核心
第4章 超優勢競爭
第5章 探討藍海
第6章 策略行動
第7章 策略與社會相會
第8章 當策略接觸現實世界


第四章 超優勢競爭
     ╱達特茅斯塔克商學院策略管理學教授 理察‧達凡尼



達凡尼開始向當時的正統策略思考提出挑戰,而且樂之不疲,他喜歡扮演這種角色。有人稱他為「企業策略的亨利‧季辛吉」(Henry Kissinger(註) of corporate strategy),他欣然接受這個稱呼:「真是太好了。我愛季辛吉,也曾花許多時間讀他的書。」





達凡尼在《超優勢競爭:新時代的動態競爭理論與應用》(Hypercompetition: Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering)中指出:「競爭對手一旦能複製或超越你的優勢,則優勢不再存在。保護優勢已經愈來愈難,一旦遭到複製或克服,優勢不再成為優勢。它現在只是一種做生意的成本。到最後,創新業者只能在競爭對手發動反制行動前的一段有限期間,利用它的優勢,一旦反制發動,這項原始優勢也開始消逝,公司需要另創新優勢才行。」



達凡尼同時提出一套在超優勢競爭世界運作的原則。為在超優勢競爭世界中勝出,他改寫管理顧問業者麥肯錫所創的一項著名架構。麥肯錫原創的「7個S」架構包括7項特定內在因素,這7項因素必須調配在一起,才能創造競爭優勢:結構(structure)、策略(strategy)、系統(system)、風格(style)、技巧(skill)、人員(staff)與最高目標(superordinate goals)。但達凡尼說,所謂調配談的是維持一種特定狀態,而不是一連串優勢的演進。這是一種沒有彈性的做法,不適合超優勢競爭。

要在這些領域勝出,企業應該運用達凡尼新7S架構的以下7項要件:第一,利害關係人聚焦(stakeholder focus);第二,策略預估(strategic soothsaying,屬於遠見),把焦點擺在顧客與員工這類關鍵性利害關係人身上,預測他們今後會有什麼需求。第三與第四是速度(speed)與驚奇(surprise)(屬於能力),以迅速的行動搶占機會優勢,以始料未及的方式擊潰競爭對手的反撲。達凡尼指出,IBM一開始似乎無敵,但戴爾(Dell)卻以直銷與配銷模式異軍突起,讓IBM措手不及。

之後,還有3項與戰術有關的要件。第五項要件是改變規則(shifting the rule),公司要採取一些行動改變市場動能,以及市場運作的方式。第六是訊號(signal),這是公司用策略意圖宣示主控市場的所在。第七是同步或相繼進擊(simultaneous or sequential thrust),這是一種多波段攻擊,目的在運用一連串產品上市等手段,矇騙或困擾對手。

與達凡尼面對面會談,會發現他有美國小說家達蒙‧魯農(Damon Runyan)筆下人物那種風采:意見精闢、切中要害,善於應付大觀念。

寫這本書的靈感,來自一件很奇特的事。有一次我在麻省鱈魚角(Cape Cod)度假,正好碰上鮑伯颶風(Hurricane Bob)來襲,停電停了約4天。電力恢復的時候,美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)正在報導蘇聯的崩潰。我沒想到這樣的大事竟能在短短幾天內出現。蘇聯解體是我們這一代最重要的經濟與政治變化之一。
我沉思了一陣,對自己說,我教了那麼多學生,談的都是長期規劃與前後一貫的策略。但像這樣驚天動地的事能在一夜之間出現的世界,又怎能真正做到什麼長期規劃?甚至就連擁有一切資源的中央情報局(Central Intelligence Agency)都不知道事情即將發生,你又怎能訂定什麼一貫策略?我心想,不能再自欺欺人了。於是我決定坐下來寫一本書,拋開傳統策略觀,討論在一個無法預測的世界中,沒有所謂持續優勢。

Tell us about the genesis of Hypercompetition.
The book came about because of a very strange event. I went to Cape Cod in Massachusetts for a vacation, and a hurricane came along called Hurricane Bob. While I was there it knocked out all the electricity for about four days. When the electricity came back on, CNN was running a program on the fall of the Soviet Union. I had no idea that something like that could happen in a few days. It was one of the most important
economic and political changes of our generation.

So I stepped back and said to myself, I’m teaching all of these students about long-term plans and consistent strategies. How do you really do that in a world where significant earth-shattering changes appear overnight? How do you do that when even if you had all the resources of the Central Intelligence Agency, you still couldn’t figure out that it was going to happen? I thought to myself, I must be a fraud, and decided to sit down and write a book that was about unsustainable advantages in an unpredictable world rather than the traditional view of strategy.


So you described the world we’re now in?
Yes, that’s right. Except I think the world has become even crazier since 1994; it’s really hypercompetition on steroids today. It’s even more relevant today than it was when I first bought it. The core idea was that advantages were becoming unsustainable because of globalization and technological disruption. Globalization is accelerating because of the rise of China and India and the falling entry barriers around numerous other countries. Of course, technology hasn’t slowed down at all; it’s expanding. The Internet, which was once considered revolutionary, is now par for the course everywhere, still having the
same radicalization effect on many, many markets. Just we don’t talk about it anymore, because it’s so endemic in every marketplace.

沒錯,這也正是超優勢競爭的全部要點。我的論點是,公司需要長期策略,但它講究的應該是定序(sequencing),你要取得許多短期優勢,然後像梅里韋瑟‧路易斯(Meriwether Lewis)與威廉‧克拉克(William Clark)發現進入太平洋的西北航道一樣,不斷摸索前進。你從一山前往另一山時,駐足觀望,只知道一個大方向。20年前,當一切還很穩定的時候,你可以事先從起點一路規劃到終點,但現在辦不到了。你不可能知道這個世界最後會變成什麼樣子,你必須習於這種不確定,你必須容忍這樣的世界。但同時你得有信心及勇氣,從一山前往另一山,而且不讓自己掉入知識陷阱,以為只要用1年前或5年前那套辦法就能成事,因為1年前或5年前的辦法如今已於事無補。

In such a disorderly, chaotic world, isn’t strategy wishful thinking to think we can plan the future in any detail?
Yes, that’s the whole point of hypercompetition. What I argued was that there was a need for longterm strategies, strategies about sequencing, lots of short-term advantages and exploring your way forward, the way Lewis and Clark found the Northwest Passage to the Pacific. You only know what direction you’re headed in when you go from hilltop to hilltop looking around for the next hilltop. You can’t chart the course all the way from beginning to end the way you might have been able to 20 years ago when things were stable. You can’t know where you’re going to end up in this kind of world, and you have to be used to the uncertainty. You have to have tolerance for that kind of a world but have the faith and the courage to be able to move forward from hilltop to hilltop and not get caught in the intellectual trap of thinking that you have to continue to leverage the same confidence that you had one year ago or five years ago, because it won’t get you to where you’re going.

熟讀軍事策略與《孫子兵法》的達凡尼,在勢力範圍(sphere of influence,指某一國家對某地區有的控制及影響力)與反制革命的行動方面下過一番工夫。他將這些反制行動轉換為5種策略反應,每一種反應呼應一個不同的革命階段。達凡尼說,即早偵知一項革命的公司,可以運用「扼制」(containment)做法,建立一些障礙,在革命養成氣候、坐大以前先將它扼殺,或至少爭取一些時間部署第二項策略。第二步是想辦法「塑造」(shape)革命,使這種新技術或新商業模式與既有技術互補,而不是取代既有技術。如果這一招也失敗,公司必須考慮,它能不能進行調適,「吸收」(absorb)這種新技術。



走出核心,勢力範圍的下一個層次是重大利益(vital interest)。一旦在這些市場失靈,衝擊效應(knock-on effect)會威脅到企業在核心市場的基礎。重大利益層的外圍是緩衝區(buffer zone),緩衝區包括一些可以放棄的市場,也因此能為企業提供一些對抗外敵入侵的保護。

此外,在創建勢力範圍時,還要考慮兩個區,一是關鍵區(pivotal zone),一是前進陣地(forward position)。關鍵區是有潛力在未來扭轉競爭均勢的地區;企業可以在這些市場保有一種預先警戒的注意力。前進陣地是接近主要對手核心的前線產品或服務。不過,當競爭對手也在其他主要對手附近建立前進陣地,就會造成一種相互毀滅的情勢,即所謂墨西哥僵局(Mexican standoff,源自一個據說發生在墨西哥的故事,三造均用槍相互指著,結果沒有人敢先動手)。結果是,由於擔心遭到類似攻擊,沒有一家公司膽敢冒險逼近對手核心。



產品的情況也一樣。經大宗商品化的產品基本上也是不斷喪失差異化,直到沒有特色為止。大多數人認為,解決這個問題的辦法就是不斷進行差異化,在石頭上另刻新的刻面。這辦法的問題是,每個人都可以採取完全一樣的行動。今天的仿冒行動之快,已經快到僅僅為了能留在原地,你必須愈跑愈快。像《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)中那位紅心皇后(Red Queen)一樣,跑得飛快卻哪裡也去不成。

You’ve said that commoditization is the latest manifestation of hypercompetition. Can you explain that?
Commoditization is one of the most virulent forms of hypercompetition. Commoditization is the process of a diamond gradually finding its facets worn off by wind, water, and handling until it becomes simply a rough stone. And it’s similar with products. Products that commoditize basically go from being differentiated to having lost their uniqueness. Most people think the solution is to create a continuous differentiation
process to recarve new facets onto the stone. The trouble is that everyone can do the exact same thing. Imitation now is so quick that you end up running faster and faster to stay in the same place. Like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland, you run so fast that you get nowhere at all.


The first commodity trap you describe is deterioration. How does that work, and can you give an example?
It turns out that not all commoditization takes place in the same way. People have one word for it, but it actually has three heads. One of the heads is deterioration. That method of commoditization is typically wrought by a low-end discounter. The low-end discounter provides such low prices that people buy only on price. The other firms then have to deal with the discounter’s market power, and so they start to
sink into this hole of low prices and low quality, effectively destroying their own advantages. Alternatively, they move out to become stuck in tiny little niches.

Looking at different industries and companies, such as Walmart in retailing and Ryanair or Southwest in the airline industry, there have been basically three responses: take advantage, escape, or undermine that trap. My favorite response is, rather than succumbing to the market power of that low-end discounter, you seek to undermine it. Several different strategies came to light in my research about how to undermine the strategy of a low-end discounter. One was to find a way to make its power obsolete. Another was to apply another of the commodity traps—proliferation—to the low-end discounter to basically take it out of the market by nibbling at it from multiple directions.


So there’s deterioration, there’s proliferation, and the final head on the monster is escalation?
Yes, that’s right. And this is the toughest one to beat, because momentum builds up. Imagine a pricequality map, and you find players moving toward the corner of low price and high quality. It’s a game of
one-upmanship. Each player raises her quality, lowers her price, and the next one has to match. It starts to become like the Cuban missile crisis, but it’s an arms race to the bottom because the first one to the bottom blows himself up. You end up giving away your product for almost nothing.

So the question is, Can you control the momentum toward that? The potential solutions are to reverse the momentum in one direction, to slow or freeze the momentum, or to harness the momentum so that you move faster than everybody else toward the point of commodity. But then, just as you bring everybody to the commodity cliff, you jump and
change the dimensions of the map so that you’re no longer playing on the same quality scale and the rest of your industry jumps into commodity hell.


To continue mixing our metaphors, the financial crisis revealed another element of commoditization, which is evaporation. Can you tell us more about that?
Yes, that’s a particular problem showing up during the recession. Demand evaporation is simply that people stop buying. They buy so much less than they did before that all companies have to lower their prices to sell anything at all. There’s excess capacity, and a lot of price competition develops as a result. So evaporation isn’t really a commodity trap in the traditional sense. It’s not the market whittling down the facets of the diamond; it’s really a temporary problem of recessionary periods. And here the solution is to recognize that you’re in a tremendous storm and batten down the hatches. You also learn how to float with the changes so that you can be very flexible as things unfold. And then finally you become able to preposition yourself for landing on your feet when the storm subsides.


In these troubled times, is strategy still important? Does it still make a difference?
Yes, at least if you do it right. Even more so today, I think. A lot of it is about prepositioning for the future, looking at how you can consolidate the industry, so that when you’re done, the industry will be able to function without excess capacity, and finding methods where you cooperate with the government, as in financial services. The financial services industry doesn’t quite get it, but the government is going to take over a lot more control from individual corporations, and this is a great opportunity, not a threat. On Wall Street they see it as a threat, but if you can put in regulations, cooperate to put in all kinds of rules to prevent another credit crunch, you can also create tremendous barriers to entry and create a world in which you’re one of the last guys standing. The last man standing strategy plays out in a lot of industries

基本上我是一個理念的進口人與出口人。我觀察全球走勢,觀察應我之邀、來到我班上發表談話的執行長;2、3年來,已有約60位《財星》500大(Fortune 500)排行榜上的企業執行長應邀來我班上演講。我把這些走勢輸入各產業,運用在新情勢上。

How does a strategist keep in touch with the realworld?
Basically I’m an importer and exporter of ideas. I suck up the general trends I see all over the globe and what I see from the CEOs I invite to my classes; over the last couple of years I’ve had about 60 Fortune 500
CEOs come to my classes. Then I look for the trends and import them across industry boundaries and to new situations.

I go to many companies where they say, We can’t do that; that’s not possible. And I’m able to point out, Well, why is it possible in these other locations or in these other industries? So I get to break the frame of what a lot of people are thinking.


史都華‧克萊納(Stuart Crainer)
克萊納是西班牙IE商學院兼任教授、《商業策略評論》(Business Strategy Review)總編輯。克萊納著有《管理世紀》(The Management Century),以及一本管理大師湯姆‧彼得斯(Tom Peters)的傳記。《今日管理》雜誌(Management Today)因他與德‧迪樂夫合作撰寫的商業思想領導書籍,而將兩人譽為「出類拔萃的市場製造人」。

德‧迪樂夫(Des Dearlove)
迪樂夫是西班牙IE商學院兼任教授、牛津大學賽德商學院(Saïd Business School)副研究員。迪樂夫曾擔任《泰唔士報》(The Times)專欄作家、美國雜誌《策略+商業》(Strategy+Business)特約編輯,以及《金融時報管理手冊》(Financial Times Handbook of Management)共同編輯。


