A Practical Guide to Computer Forensics Investigations (Paperback)

Darren R. Hayes



All you need to know to succeed in digital forensics: technical and investigative skills, in one book


Complete, practical, and up-to-date

Thoroughly covers digital forensics for Windows, Mac, mobile, hardware, and networks

Addresses online and lab investigations, documentation, admissibility, and more

By Dr. Darren Hayes, founder of Pace University’s Code Detectives forensics lab–one of America’s “Top 10 Computer Forensics Professors”

Perfect for anyone pursuing a digital forensics career or working with examiners


Criminals go where the money is. Today, trillions of dollars of assets are digital, and digital crime is growing fast. In response, demand for digital forensics experts is soaring. To succeed in this exciting field, you need strong technical and investigative skills. In this guide, one of the world’s leading computer orensics experts teaches you all the skills you’ll need.


Writing for students and professionals at all levels, Dr. Darren Hayes presents complete best practices for capturing and analyzing evidence, protecting the chain of custody, documenting investigations, and scrupulously adhering to the law, so your evidence can always be used.


Hayes introduces today’s latest technologies and technical challenges, offering detailed coverage of crucial topics such as mobile forensics, Mac forensics, cyberbullying, and child endangerment.


This guide’s practical activities and case studies give you hands-on mastery of modern digital forensics tools and techniques. Its many realistic examples reflect the author’s extensive and pioneering work as a forensics examiner in both criminal and civil investigations.


  • Understand what computer forensics examiners do, and the types of digital evidence they work with
  • Explore Windows and Mac computers, understand how their features affect evidence gathering, and use free tools to investigate their contents
  • Extract data from diverse storage devices
  • Establish a certified forensics lab and implement good practices for managing and processing evidence
  • Gather data and perform investigations online
  • Capture Internet communications, video, images, and other content
  • Write comprehensive reports that withstand defense objections and enable successful prosecution
  • Follow strict search and surveillance rules to make your evidence admissible
  • Investigate network breaches, including dangerous Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
  • Retrieve immense amounts of evidence from smartphones, even without seizing them
  • Successfully investigate financial fraud performed with digital devices
  • Use digital photographic evidence, including metadata and social media images



這本書是一本關於數位取證的指南,它提供了成功從事數位取證所需的技術和調查技巧。這本書全面、實用且最新,詳細介紹了Windows、Mac、移動設備、硬體和網路的數位取證。它還涵蓋了線上和實驗室調查、文件記錄、可採納性等相關主題。作者是達倫·海耶斯博士,他是佩斯大學的Code Detectives數位取證實驗室的創辦人,也是美國「十大電腦取證教授」之一。這本書非常適合追求數位取證職業或與取證人員合作的人士閱讀。





- 了解電腦取證人員的工作內容以及他們處理的數位證據類型
- 探索Windows和Mac電腦,了解它們的特點如何影響證據收集,並使用免費工具調查其內容
- 從各種存儲設備中提取數據
- 建立一個認證的取證實驗室,並實施良好的證據管理和處理實踐
- 在線上進行數據收集和調查
- 捕獲網路通訊、視頻、圖像和其他內容
- 撰寫全面的報告,以抵擋辯護方的異議並實現成功起訴
- 遵守嚴格的搜索和監視規則,使您的證據可採納
- 調查網路入侵,包括危險的高級持續性威脅(APTs)
- 從智慧型手機中檢索大量證據,甚至無需扣押手機
- 成功調查使用數位設備進行的金融詐騙
- 使用數位照片證據,包括元數據和社交媒體圖像。
