Heat Transfer Calculations

Myer Kutz





Packed with laws, formulas, calculations solutions, enhancement techniques and rules of thumb, this practical manual offers fast, accurate solutions to the heat transfer problems mechanical engineers face everyday

Table of Contents



Part 1 - Introductory Calculations

Chapter 1: Multiphase Films and Phase Change

Chapter 2: Industrial Heat-Transfer Calculations

Part 2 - Steady-State Calculations

Chapter 3: Heat Transfer and Temperature Results for a Moving Sheet Situated in a Moving Fluid

Chapter 4: Solution for the Heat-Transfer Design of a Cooled Gas Turbine Airfoil

Chapter 5: Steady-State Heat-Transfer Sample Problem: Cooling Fin

Chapter 6: Cooling of a Fuel Cell

Chapter 7: Turbogenerator Rotor Cooling Calculation

Chapter 8: Heat Transfer through a Double Glazed Window

Part 3 - Transient and Cyclic Calculations

Chapter 9: On the Use of Green's Function to Solve for Temperatures in a Bi-Material Slab Exposed to a Periodic Heat Flux Applied to Corrosion Detection

Chapter 10: Lumped Capacitance Model of a Tube Heated by a Periodic Source with Application to a Pulsed Detonation Engine Tube

Chapter 11: Calculation of Decoking Intervals for Direct-Fired Gas and Liquid Cracking Heaters

Chapter 12: Transient Heat-Transfer Sample Problem: Tape Pack Cooling

Chapter 13: Calculation of the Transient Response of a Roof to Diurnal Heat Load Variations

Chapter 14: Transient Heating of a Painted Vehicle Body Panel in an Automobile Assembly Plant Paint Shop Oven

Chapter 15: Thermal System Transient Response

Chapter 16: Thermal Response of Laminates to Cyclic Heat Input from the Edge

Chapter 17: A Simple Calculation Procedure for Transient Heat and Mass Transfer with Phase Change: Moist Air Example

Chapter 18: A Calculation Procedure for First and Second Law Efficiency Optimization of Refrigeration Cycles

Chapter 19: Transient Analysis of a Low-Temperature, Low-Energy Carrier, LoTEC(c)

Chapter 20: Parameter Estimation of LoTEC(c)

Part 4 - Heat-Transfer Coefficient Determination

Chapter 21: Calculation of Convective Heat-Transfer Coefficient using the Semi-Infinite Solid Assumption

Chapter 22: Determination of Heat-Transfer Film Coefficients by the Wilson Analysis

Part 5 - Tubes, Pipes, and Ducts

Chapter 23: Calculation of Local Inside-Wall Convective Heat-Transfer Parameters from Measurements of the Local Outside-Wall Temperatures along an Electrically Heated Circular Tube

Chapter 24: Two-Phase Pressure Drop in Pipes

Chapter 25: Heat-Transfer Calculations for Predicting Solids Deposition in Pipeline Transportation of "Waxy" Crude Oils

Chapter 26: Heat Transfer in a Circular Duct

Part 6 - Heat Exchangers

Chapter 27: Air Cooling of a High-Voltage Power Supply Using a Compact Heat Exchanger

Chapter 28: Energy Recovery from an Industrial Clothes Dryer Using a Condensing Heat Exchanger

Chapter 29: Sizing of a Crossflow Compact Heat Exchanger

Chapter 30: Single-Phase Natural Circulation Loops: An Analysis Methodology with an Example (Numerical) Calculation for an Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger

Chapter 31: Evaluation of Condensation Heat Transfer in a Vertical Tube Heat Exchanger

Chapter 32: Heat Exchanger Design Using an Evolutionary Algorithm

Part 7 - Fluidized Beds

Chapter 33: Fluidized Bed Heat Transfer

Part 8 - Parameter and Boundary Estimation

Chapter 34: Estimation of Parameters in Models

Chapter 35: Upper Bounds of Heat Transfer from Boxes

Chapter 36: Estimating Freezing Time of Foods

Part 9 - Temperature Control

Chapter 37: Precision Temperature Control Using a Thermoelectric Module

Thermal Analysis and Design

Chapter 38: Thermal Analysis of a Large Telescope Mirror

Chapter 39: Thermal Design and Operation of a Portable PCM Cooler

Chapter 40: A First-Order Thermal Analysis of Balloon-Borne Air-Cooled Electronics

Chapter 41: Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Heat Dissipating Components on Printed Circuit Boards

Chapter 42: Design of a Fusion Bonding Process for Fabricating Thermoplastic-Matrix Composites

Part 11 - Economic Optimization

Chapter 43: Economic Optimization of Heat-Transfer Systems

Chapter 44: Turkey Oven Design Problem