Teach Yourself Making Money in the Second Life World

Irie Tsure



Turn virtual money into real cash in Second Life

Written by successful Second Life resort owner Irie Tsure, this comprehensive guide will accompany you on the tricky journey from "newbie'" to expert in the virtual world of Second Life. Teach Yourself Making Money from Second Life is intended to cover every skill required to enjoy and prosper within this virtual world but in particular focuses on those entrepreneurial activities, strategies, and skills which can help you get ahead in business in Second Life. This book is packed with advice for virtual entrepreneurs looking to develop independent businesses within SL, perfect for individuals or small companies interested in entering SL and succeeding there.


在Second Life中將虛擬貨幣轉換為真實現金

由成功的Second Life度假村業主Irie Tsure撰寫,這本全面指南將陪伴您在Second Life虛擬世界中從「新手」到專家的艱難旅程。《Teach Yourself Making Money from Second Life》旨在涵蓋在這個虛擬世界中享受和繁榮所需的每一項技能,但尤其關注那些可以幫助您在Second Life中取得商業成功的創業活動、策略和技能。這本書充滿了為希望在SL中發展獨立業務的虛擬企業家提供的建議,非常適合有興趣進入SL並在那裡取得成功的個人或小公司。