Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers (Paperback)

Peter Wayner

  • 出版商: Morgan Kaufmann
  • 出版日期: 1999-09-30
  • 定價: $2,280
  • 售價: 6.0$1,368
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 240
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0127887741
  • ISBN-13: 9780127887746
  • 相關分類: Algorithms-data-structures
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=3)



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In life, time is money, and on the Internet, the size of data is money. Small programs and small files take less disk space and cost less to send over the Internet. Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers describes the basic algorithms and approaches for compressing information so you can create the smallest files possible. These new algorithms are making it possible for people to take impossibly large audio and video files and compress them enough that they can flow over the Internet.


  • Examines the classic algorithms like Huffman coding, arithmetic compression, and dictionary-based schemes in depth
  • Describes the basic approaches used to squeeze audio and video signals by factors of as much as 100:1
  • Discusses the philosophy of compression to illustrate the underlying trade-offs in the algorithms
  • Explores the use of wavelets and other modeling techniques that use repetitive functions to squeeze audio and video
  • Shows how programming solutions like Adobe PostScript can save space and make networks more efficient
  • Describes new approaches using fractals and grammars just being explored by the compression community
  • Shows how to extend the algorithms and use them for copyright protection


Peter Wayner is the author of seven other books published by Adademic Press and Morgan Kaufmann, including Digital Cash: Commerce on the Net (AP Professional, 1997), Digital Copyright Protection(AP Professional, 1997), Disappearing Cryptography: Being and Nothingness on the Net (AP Professional, 1997), and Agents Unleashed: A Public Domain Look at Agent Technology (AP Professional, 1995). His work has appeared in BYTE magazine, the New York Times and Salon. Formerly a teacher of various computer science courses at Cornell University and Georgetown University, he now lives and writes in Baltimore MD.

Table of Contents:

Book Notes
1. Introduction
2. Statistical Basics
3. Dictionary Techniques
4. Arithmetic Compression
5. Adaptive Compression
6. Grammar Compression
7. Programmatic Solutions
8. Quantization
9. Wavelet Transforms
10. JPEG
11. Video Compression
12. Audio Compression
13. Fractal Compression
14. Steganography
Appendix A: Patents
Appendix B: Bibliography

Related Titles:

Software Engineering & Programming
For Real Programmers



- 深入研究了像Huffman編碼、算術壓縮和基於字典的方案等經典算法
- 描述了將音頻和視頻信號壓縮100倍的基本方法
- 討論了壓縮的哲學,以顯示算法中的潛在權衡
- 探索了使用小波和其他重複函數建模技術來壓縮音頻和視頻的方法
- 展示了像Adobe PostScript這樣的編程解決方案如何節省空間並使網絡更高效
- 描述了壓縮社區正在探索的使用分形和文法的新方法
- 展示了如何擴展算法並將其用於版權保護

Peter Wayner是Adademic Press和Morgan Kaufmann出版的其他七本書的作者,包括《Digital Cash: Commerce on the Net》(AP Professional,1997)、《Digital Copyright Protection》(AP Professional,1997)、《Disappearing Cryptography: Being and Nothingness on the Net》(AP Professional,1997)和《Agents Unleashed: A Public Domain Look at Agent Technology》(AP Professional,1995)。他的作品曾刊登在BYTE雜誌、紐約時報和Salon上。他曾在康奈爾大學和喬治城大學教授各種計算機科學課程,現居住在馬里蘭州巴爾的摩並從事寫作。

- 前言
- 書籍注釋
- 第1章:介紹
- 第2章:統計基礎
- 第3章:字典技術
- 第4章:算術壓縮
- 第5章:自適應壓縮
- 第6章:文法壓縮
- 第7章:編程解決方案
- 第8章:量化
- 第9章:小波變換
- 第10章:JPEG
- 第11章:視頻壓縮
- 第12章:音頻壓縮
- 第13章:分形壓縮
- 第14章:隱寫術
- 附錄A:專利
- 附錄B:參考文獻
- 索引

- 軟件工程和編程
- 真正的程序員