Leverage Your Security Expertise in IBM® System z™ Mainframe Environments
For over 40 years, the IBM mainframe has been the backbone of the world’s largest enterprises. If you’re coming to the IBM System z mainframe platform from UNIX ® , Linux ® , or Windows ® , you need practical guidance on leveraging its unique security capabilities. Now, IBM experts have written the first authoritative book on mainframe security specifically designed to build on your experience in other environments.
Even if you’ve never logged onto a mainframe before, this book will teach you how to run today’s z/OS ® operating system command line and ISPF toolset and use them to efficiently perform every significant security administration task. Don’t have a mainframe available for practice? The book contains step-by-step videos walking you through dozens of key techniques. Simply log in and register your book at www.ibmpressbooks.com/register to gain access to these videos.
The authors illuminate the mainframe’s security model and call special attention to z/OS security techniques that differ from UNIX, Linux, and Windows. They thoroughly introduce IBM’s powerful Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) security subsystem and demonstrate how mainframe security integrates into your enterprise-wide IT security infrastructure. If you’re an experienced system administrator or security professional, there’s no faster way to extend your expertise into “big iron” environments.
Coverage includes
- Mainframe basics: logging on, allocating and editing data sets, running JCL jobs, using UNIX System Services, and accessing documentation
- Creating, modifying, and deleting users and groups
- Protecting data sets, UNIX file system files, databases, transactions, and other resources
- Manipulating profiles and managing permissions
- Configuring the mainframe to log security events, filter them appropriately, and create usable reports
- Using auditing tools to capture static configuration data and dynamic events, identify weaknesses, and remedy them
- Creating limited-authority administrators: how, when, and why
在IBM System z主機環境中充分利用您的安全專業知識
40多年來,IBM主機一直是全球最大企業的支柱。如果您從UNIX、Linux或Windows轉向IBM System z主機平台,您需要實用的指導來充分利用其獨特的安全功能。現在,IBM專家們撰寫了第一本權威的主機安全書籍,專門設計用於建立您在其他環境中的經驗基礎。
- 主機基礎知識:登錄、分配和編輯數據集、運行JCL作業、使用UNIX系統服務和訪問文檔
- 創建、修改和刪除用戶和群組
- 保護數據集、UNIX文件系統文件、數據庫、事務和其他資源
- 操作配置文件和管理權限
- 配置主機以記錄安全事件,適當地過濾它們並創建可用的報告
- 使用審計工具捕獲靜態配置數據和動態事件,識別弱點並加以修復
- 創建有限權限的管理員:如何、何時和為什麼這樣做