Real World Agility: Practical Guidance for Agile Practitioners (Paperback)
Daniel James Gullo
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2016-07-20
- 定價: $1,530
- 售價: 9.5 折 $1,454
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 256
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0134191706
- ISBN-13: 9780134191706
Agile Software
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Proven Solutions for the Most Widespread and Frustrating Agile Challenges
“This book gives you the answers that a wise mentor would have given you, if you had one.
Daniel Gullo shares his insights on the principal questions that everyone coming
to the world of Agile will inevitably encounter. ”
–From the foreword by Stephen Denning, author of The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management
Agile is becoming ubiquitous, but successful Agile implementation remains difficult. Organizations keep getting stuck on the same issues. However, with Real World Agility: Practical Guidance for Agile Practitioners, that need not happen to you.
World-renowned Agile coach and consultant Daniel James Gullo identifies and addresses nearly sixty widespread challenges faced by anyone trying to derive value from Agile. Drawing on his vast experience guiding Agile teams to success, Gullo helps you accurately diagnose your problems, describes each solution with maximum clarity, and concisely presents the details you need in order to act effectively.
This accessible guide is for every project participant and stakeholder: from ScrumMasters and team leads to developers, project managers, product owners, and customers. Gullo addresses methods ranging from Scrum to Kanban, guides you on scaling Agile, and even helps you apply it beyond software development.
Coverage includes
- Making sense of Agile’s many “flavors”
- Overcoming key hurdles in transitioning from waterfall
- Addressing cultural obstacles
- Meshing Agile teams with your management hierarchy
- Engaging executives with Agile practices and values
- Clarifying relationships among ScrumMasters, product owners, and project managers
- Smoothly handling key tasks, such as organizing backlogs and defining sprints
- Taking advantage of continuous integration and test-driven development
- Bringing Agile to distributed teams and large product portfolios
Throughout, vignettes show exactly how Agile problems manifest in the real world–and how Gullo’s solutions can help you overcome them. As you learn from others’ experiences, you’ll quickly begin to see a clear path to success.
丹尼爾·古洛(Daniel Gullo)分享了他對每個進入敏捷世界的人都會遇到的主要問題的見解。
-來自斯蒂芬·丹寧(Stephen Denning)的前言,《領導者的激進管理指南》的作者
世界知名的敏捷教練和顧問丹尼爾·詹姆斯·古洛(Daniel James Gullo)確定並解決了近60個任何試圖從敏捷中獲得價值的人所面臨的普遍挑戰。古洛借助他豐富的經驗,幫助你準確診斷問題,以最大程度地清晰地描述每個解決方案,並簡明地呈現你需要有效行動所需的細節。
- 理解敏捷的各種「風味」
- 克服從瀑布模型轉型的關鍵障礙
- 解決文化障礙
- 整合敏捷團隊與管理層級
- 吸引高管參與敏捷實踐和價值觀
- 澄清ScrumMaster、產品負責人和項目經理之間的關係
- 順利處理重要任務,如組織待辦事項和定義迭代
- 充分利用持續集成和測試驅動開發
- 將敏捷引入分散團隊和大型產品組合