Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Larson, Ron




About our authors

Ron Larson received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Colorado in 1970. At that time he accepted a position with Penn State University, and he currently holds the rank of professor of mathematics at the university. Larson is the lead author of more than two dozen mathematics textbooks that range from 6th grade through calculus levels. Many of his texts, such as the 10th Edition of his calculus text, are leaders in their markets. Larson is also one of the pioneers in the use of multimedia and the Internet to enhance the learning of mathematics. He has authored multimedia programs, extending from the elementary school through calculus levels. Larson is a member of several professional groups and is a frequent speaker at national and regional mathematics meetings.

Many thanks to Betsy Farber for her significant contributions to previous editions of the text. Sadly, Betsy passed away in 2013. She received her Bachelor's degree in mathematics from Penn State University and her Master's degree in mathematics from the College of New Jersey. Betsy taught all levels of mathematics at Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pennsylvania for many years. She made many notable contributions throughout her career to developing new ways to make statistics relevant and interesting for both online and traditional students.


Ron Larson於1970年從科羅拉多大學獲得數學博士學位。當時他接受了賓夕法尼亞州立大學的職位,目前擔任該大學的數學教授。Larson是超過二十本從六年級到微積分水平的數學教科書的主要作者。他的許多教材,例如他的微積分教材的第十版,都是市場上的領導者。Larson也是使用多媒體和互聯網增強數學學習的先驅之一。他撰寫了從小學到微積分水平的多媒體程序。Larson是幾個專業團體的成員,並經常在國家和地區數學會議上發表演講。

非常感謝Betsy Farber對先前版本教材的重要貢獻。不幸的是,Betsy於2013年去世。她在賓夕法尼亞州紐敦的巴克斯縣社區學院教授各個層次的數學多年。她在整個職業生涯中為開發使統計學對線上和傳統學生都具有相關性和趣味性的新方法做出了許多值得注意的貢獻。
