The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics, 3/e (Paperback)

Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath, Alison Huml

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 2001-01-07
  • 定價: $1,200
  • 售價: 5.0$600
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 592
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0201703939
  • ISBN-13: 9780201703931
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 立即出貨(限量)





The new edition of this popular book is updated to reflect v1.3 of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition as well as preceding versions as early as JDK 1.1, and includes Solaris, Linux and Win32. This new version is also streamlined—to cover the topics most needed—and includes questions and exercises at the end of each chapter (with answers on the CD). The authors' top-notch instruction is still present. Through a task-oriented, example-driven approach, the authors introduce students to fundamental concepts and applications. The book's unique, theme-based structure allows the flexibility to customize your own path through the specific information. To help beginners avoid many common mistakes, an entire chapter is devoted to programming problems and their solutions. The CD-ROM comes packed full of useful resources: a complete online tutorial of this book and the 2 other tutorial books, all major versions of the Java platform, versions 1.0.2 through 1.3 for the Solaris and Win32 platforms. The CD also includes the latest Java platform for Linux (Standard Edition v1.3) API documentation for the Java platform and source code for all examples.

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Appropriate Courses

Java--Intermediate Programming, Java--Intro to Programming/CSI.

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Table Of Contents

1. Getting Started.
About the Java Technology.
How Will Java Technology Change My Life?
First Steps (Win32).
A Checklist.
Creating Your First Application.
Creating Your First Applet.
Error Explanations (Win32).
First Steps (UNIX/Linux).
A Checklist.
Creating Your First Application.
Creating Your First Applet.
Error Explanations (UNIX/Linux).
First Steps (MacOS).
A Checklist.
Creating Your First Application.
Creating Your First Applet.
Error Explanation (MacOS).
A Closer Look at HelloWorld.
Explanation of an Application.
The Anatomy of an Applet.
Code Samples.

2. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts.
What Is an Object?
What Is a Message?
What Is a Class?
What Is Inheritance?
What Is an Interface?
How Do These Concepts Translate into Code?
Code Samples.

3. Language Basics.
Expressions, Statements, and Blocks.
Control Flow Statements.
Code Samples.

4. Object Basics and Simple Data Objects.
The Life Cycle of an Object.
Characters and Strings.
Code Samples.

5. Classes and Inheritance.
Creating Classes.
Managing Inheritance.
Implementing Nested Classes.
Code Samples.

6. Interfaces and Packages.
Creating and Using Interfaces.
Creating and Using Packages.
Code Samples.

7. Handling Errors Using Exceptions.
What Is an Exception.
The Catch or Specify Requirement.
Catching and Handling Exceptions.
Specifying the Exceptions Thrown by a Method.
How to Throw Exceptions.
Runtime Exceptions - The Controversy.
Advantages of Exceptions.
Summary of Exceptions.
Questions and Exercises.
Code Samples.

8. Threads: Doing Two or More Tasks at Once.
What Is a Thread?
Using the Timer and TimerTask Classes.
Customizing a Thread's run Method.
The Life Cycle of a Thread.
Understanding Thread Priority.
Synchronizing Threads.
Grouping Threads.
Summary of Threads.
Questions and Exercises: Threads.
Code Samples.

9. I/O: Reading and Writing.
Overview of I/O Streams.
Using the Streams.
Object Serialization.
Working with Random Access Files.
And the Rest. . . .
Summary of Reading and Writing.
Questions and Exercises: Reading and Writing.
Code Samples.

10. User Interfaces that Swing.
Swing Overview.
Your First Swing Program.
Example Two: SwingApplication.
Example Three: CelsiusConverter.
Example Four: TravelWeather.
Example Five: Dialog Example.
Look & Feel.
Layout Management.
Threads and Swing.
Supporting Assistive Technologies.
Visual Index to Swing Components.
Questions and Exercises.

11. Applets for the Internet and Intranet.
Overview of Applets.
AWT Components.
Taking Advantage of the Applet API.
Practical Considerations of Writing Applets.
Finishing an Applet.
For More Information.
Questions and Exercises.

Appendix A. Common Problems and Their Solutions.
Getting Started Problems.
General Programming Problems.
Applet Problems.
User Interface Problems.

Appendix B. Collections.
Custom Implementations.

Appendix C. Deprecated Thread Methods.
Why Is Thread.stop Deprecated?
Why Are Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?
What about Thread.destroy?
Why Is Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit Deprecated?

Appendix D. Reference.
Java Programming Language Keywords.
Operator Precedence.
POSIX Conventions for Command-Line Arguments.
Integrated Development Environments.
Classpath Help.

Index. 0201703939T04062001

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這本受歡迎的書籍的新版本已更新至Java 2平台標準版v1.3,並包括早期版本如JDK 1.1,還有Solaris、Linux和Win32。這個新版本也更加精簡,只涵蓋最需要的主題,並在每章結尾提供問題和練習(答案在光碟上)。作者們一流的教學仍然存在。通過以任務為導向、以示例驅動的方法,作者們向學生介紹基本概念和應用。本書獨特的主題結構允許您自定義通過特定信息的路徑。為了幫助初學者避免許多常見錯誤,整章都專門介紹了編程問題及其解決方案。光碟還包含許多有用的資源:本書的完整在線教程以及其他兩本教程書籍、所有主要版本的Java平台(1.0.2至1.3)的Solaris和Win32平台,還有Linux的最新Java平台(標準版v1.3)、Java平台的API文檔和所有示例的源代碼。


1. 入門
2. 面向對象編程概念
3. 語言基礎
4. 對象基礎和簡單數據對象
5. 類和繼承
6. 接口和包
7. 使用異常處理錯誤
