MoCap for Artists: Workflow and Techniques for Motion Capture (藝術家的動作捕捉:工作流程與技術)

Midori Kitagawa, Brian Windsor




Make motion capture part of your graphics and effects arsenal. This introduction to motion capture principles and techniques delivers a working understanding of today's state-of-the-art systems and workflows without the arcane pseudocodes and equations. Learn about the alternative systems, how they have evolved, and how they are typically used, as well as tried-and-true workflows that you can put to work for optimal effect. Demo files and tutorials provided on the companion CD deliver first-hand experience with some of the core processes.

* An accessible introduction to motion capture principles and techniques that does not require a computer science background
* A survey of the state-of-the-art hardware and software tools, workflows and techniques.
* A CD with sample motion capture data, clips, scripts, and Maya/Motion Builder turorials.



* 介紹動作捕捉原理和技術,無需具備計算機科學背景
* 介紹最先進的硬體和軟體工具、工作流程和技術
* 光碟附有樣本動作捕捉數據、片段、腳本和Maya/Motion Builder教學。