The Art of Voice Acting : The Craft and Business of Performing Voiceover , 4/e (Paperback)

James Alburger




Are you just starting in Voiceover? Do you have some experience, but aren't getting booked? Are you a working pro who wants to expand to new areas of VO work?

The Art of Voice Acting is a must read if you are serious about a profession in voice over and looking to maximize your efforts for success in the business.
Packed with basic acting techniques in The Art of Voice Acting, you will discover
* All new scripts
* 20 more pages of new and updated information
* A completely new chapter of studio stories and 'tricks-of-the-trade' from professional voiceover talent around the world
* Updated information for voiceover demos and marketing
* A comprehensive index that makes it easy to find what you're looking for
* More voice and acting techniques
* Contributions from some of the top voice talent in the world
* An all new audio CD with the actual audio for every script in the book,
* PLUS: exercises, demos and more!
Written in an accessible and engaging style Alburger shares his experience as a performer, producer, director and performance coach to give you a clear no nonsense introduction to the business and art of voice acting.





* 全新的劇本
* 20頁全新且更新的資訊
* 一個全新的章節,包含來自世界各地專業配音人才的工作室故事和“行業訣竅”
* 關於配音示範和行銷的更新資訊
* 一個全面的索引,讓你輕鬆找到你需要的內容
* 更多的配音和表演技巧
* 來自世界頂尖配音人才的貢獻
* 一張全新的音頻CD,包含書中每個劇本的實際音頻
* 此外還有練習、示範等等!
