OpenGL Shading Language, 2/e (Paperback)

Randi J. Rost




"As the 'Red Book' is known to be the gold standard for OpenGL, the 'Orange Book' is considered to be the gold standard for the OpenGL Shading Language. With Randi's extensive knowledge of OpenGL and GLSL, you can be assured you will be learning from a graphics industry veteran. Within the pages of the second edition you can find topics from beginning shader development to advanced topics such as the spherical harmonic lighting model and more."

—David Tommeraasen, CEO/Programmer, Plasma Software

"This will be the definitive guide for OpenGL shaders; no other book goes into this detail. Rost has done an excellent job at setting the stage for shader development, what the purpose is, how to do it, and how it all fits together. The book includes great examples and details, and good additional coverage of 2.0 changes!"

—Jeffery Galinovsky, Director of Emerging Market Platform Development, Intel Corporation

"The coverage in this new edition of the book is pitched just right to help many new shader-writers get started, but with enough deep information for the 'old hands.'"

—Marc Olano, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

"This is a really great book on GLSL—well written and organized, very accessible, and with good real-world examples and sample code. The topics flow naturally and easily, explanatory code fragments are inserted in very logical places to illustrate concepts, and all in all, this book makes an excellent tutorial as well as a reference."

—John Carey, Chief Technology Officer, C.O.R.E. Feature Animation

OpenGL® Shading Language, Second Edition, extensively updated for OpenGL 2.0, is the experienced application programmer's guide to writing shaders. Part reference, part tutorial, this book thoroughly explains the shift from fixed-functionality graphics hardware to the new era of programmable graphics hardware and the additions to the OpenGL API that support this programmability. With OpenGL and shaders written in the OpenGL Shading Language, applications can perform better, achieving stunning graphics effects by using the capabilities of both the visual processing unit and the central processing unit.

In this book, you will find a detailed introduction to the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and the new OpenGL function calls that support it. The text begins by describing the syntax and semantics of this high-level programming language. Once this foundation has been established, the book explores the creation and manipulation of shaders using new OpenGL function calls.

OpenGL® Shading Language, Second Edition, includes updated descriptions for the language and all the GLSL entry points added to OpenGL 2.0; new chapters that discuss lighting, shadows, and surface characteristics; and an under-the-hood look at the implementation of RealWorldz, the most ambitious GLSL application to date. The second edition also features 18 extensive new examples of shaders and their underlying algorithms, including

  • Image-based lighting
  • Lighting with spherical harmonics
  • Ambient occlusion
  • Shadow mapping
  • Volume shadows using deferred lighting
  • Ward's BRDF model

The color plate section illustrates the power and sophistication of the OpenGL Shading Language. The API Function Reference at the end of the book is an excellent guide to the API entry points that support the OpenGL Shading Language. Also included is a convenient Quick Reference Card to GLSL.




《OpenGL® Shading Language, 第二版》是一本經驗豐富的應用程式開發者指南,專門介紹如何撰寫着色器。這本書既是參考資料,也是教學材料,詳細解釋了從固定功能圖形硬體到可程式化圖形硬體的轉變,以及OpenGL API對此可程式化的支援。使用OpenGL和OpenGL Shading Language中的着色器,應用程式可以更好地執行,通過利用視覺處理單元和中央處理單元的能力,實現令人驚嘆的圖形效果。

在這本書中,您將找到對OpenGL Shading Language(GLSL)和支援它的新OpenGL函數呼叫的詳細介紹。本書首先描述了這種高級程式語言的語法和語義。在建立了這個基礎之後,本書探討了使用新的OpenGL函數呼叫創建和操作着色器的方法。

《OpenGL® Shading Language, 第二版》包括了對語言和OpenGL 2.0中新增的所有GLSL入口點的更新描述;新增了討論照明、陰影和表面特性的章節;以及對迄今為止最具野心的GLSL應用程式RealWorldz的實現的深入解析。第二版還提供了18個全新的着色器示例和其底層算法,包括:

- 基於圖像的照明
- 使用球面調和進行照明
- 環境遮蔽
- 陰影映射
- 使用延遲照明的體積陰影
- Ward的BRDF模型

彩色插圖部分展示了OpenGL Shading Language的強大和複雜性。書末的API函數參考是對支援OpenGL Shading Language的API入口點的優秀指南。此外,還提供了一個方便的快速參考卡,以便讀者快速查找所需的資訊。