Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Insights into GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass and Others (Hardcover) (全球導航衛星系統:GPS、GLONASS、Galileo、Compass及其他的洞察)

Basudeb Bhatta



  • Includes detailed information on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass, and other regional and augmented systems

  • Sheds light on the latest developments and modern trends of GNSS

  • Offers practical guidance for surveying, mapping, and navigation

  • Includes questions at the end of every chapter

  • Contains a detailed glossary of terms and extensive reference list

Specifically designed as an introductory reference text, this volume provides a thorough coverage of the basic principles and techniques of GNSS. It starts with the history and basic concepts and subsequently provides an extensive coverage on every GNSS constellation, GNSS signals, errors and accuracy issues, positioning methods, augmentations, satellite geodesy, and GNSS receivers. It also presents a wide spectrum of GNSS applications and practical issues involved in surveying, mapping, and navigation.

Written in a clear style and including advanced topics, a detailed glossary, guidance on surveying, mapping and navigation along with numerous references, this volume is of use to students, researchers and professionals. It will specifically benefit those in geoinformatics, navigation, civil, construction, naval, aviation and transportation engineering working with GNSS for natural resources, agricultural and environmental information, geosciences and geography.



  • 包含有關GPS、GLONASS、Galileo、Compass和其他區域和增強系統的詳細信息

  • 闡明了GNSS的最新發展和現代趨勢

  • 提供測量、制圖和導航的實用指南

  • 每章末尾附有問題

  • 包含詳細的術語詞彙表和廣泛的參考文獻

