$2,550$2,423 -
$560$448 -
$680$646 -
$880$695 -
$880$695 -
$600$510 -
$750$593 -
$150$128 -
$2,380$2,261 -
$720$562 -
$350$298 -
$990$891 -
$1,920$1,824 -
$1,180$1,003 -
$580$458 -
$750$638 -
$980$774 -
$620$490 -
$680$530 -
$490$387 -
$620$490 -
$490$387 -
$420$328 -
$1,020$969 -
If your job is to design or implement IT security solutions or if you’re studying for any security certification, this is the how-to guide you’ve been looking for. Here’s how to assess your needs, gather the tools, and create a controlled environment in which you can experiment, test, and develop the solutions that work. With liberal examples from real-world scenarios, it tells you exactly how to implement a strategy to secure your systems now and in the future.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
如果您的工作是設計或實施 IT 安全解決方案,或者您正在準備任何安全認證,那麼這就是您一直在尋找的操作指南。這本書將教您如何評估需求、收集工具,並創建一個可控的環境,以便您可以實驗、測試和開發有效的解決方案。書中提供了許多來自真實世界場景的範例,詳細說明了如何實施策略,以確保您的系統在現在和未來的安全性。
注意:CD-ROM/DVD 及其他補充材料不包含在電子書檔案中。