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Adobe InDesign is a leading design and page layout program that allows you to create and produce stunning publications, from brochures to full-length books. The latest version of InDesign features enhanced features for creating sophisticated page layouts and an executing an efficient workflow. This unique full-color book-and-DVD combo makes learning the new features of InDesign less intimidating. Thirteen self-paced lessons explain how to design, produce, and develop a streamlined workflow for page layout. The complementary lessons featured on the DVD are each approximately five minutes long and demonstrate the concepts and features covered in the lesson.
- Walks you through the basics of designing and developing sophisticated page layouts with the newest release of InDesign
- Features full-color, step-by-step tutorials on the DVD that complement the topics covered in each lesson of the book
- Allows you to absorb each lesson at your own pace
Adobe InDesign CS5 Digital Classroom is just like having your own personal instructor guiding you through each unique lesson.