The Executive's Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy: How Social Networks Are Radically Transforming Your Business (Hardcover) (企業社交媒體策略執行指南:社交網絡如何徹底改變您的業務)

Mike Barlow, David B. Thomas




An actionable framework for developing and executing successful social media strategies supporting collaboration, teamwork and communication in modern corporations

Using straightforward language, this book offers real-world stories and revealing anecdotes to demonstrate how executives and business leaders develop successful corporate social media strategies.

  • High level guidance to developing the practical business frameworks and policies necessary for implementing and managing successful corporate social media strategies
  • Describes the actual processes, organizational structures, and technology platforms required to develop and execute a strategy of continuous engagement with customers, partners, and stakeholders
  • Provides both how-to advice as well as best practices on creating an enterprise social networking strategy
  • Other titles by Barlow: Partnering with the CIO: The Future of IT Sales Seen Though the Eyes of Decision Makers

An executive handbook and referencefor social media strategy planning and development, The Executive's Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy answers all the questions you have on this topic, including why every corporation needs a social media strategy and how it can be successfully leveraged to achieve business objectives.

Praise for The Executive’s Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy: How Social Networks Are Radically Transforming Your Business

“This book is an ‘executive summary’ of the e-social revolution, as it applies to business. Thomas and Barlow have distilled the most thrilling and life-changing technological revolution that any of us will witness in our lifetimes into a clear-eyed set of ‘nothing-but-the-facts-ma’am’ data points for business managers. A great read, well worth the effort.
Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D., co-authors of Rules to Break & Laws to Follow

“Forgot all the social media buzzwords! Dave and Mike cut through the social sphere hype with his practical guide helping you hone in on making social media a vital business success tool. After reading David and Mike's book, you will understand why you need to integrate your efforts in social media with your overall business objectives. Through new (not-your-everyday-Zappos-Dell-Facebook-example) and varied case studies, analytical direction and measurement insights, Dave and Mike's book provides the fundamental strategies for your brand to truly connect with people via social media.”
Zena Weist, Director, Social Media, H&R Block

“Thomas and Barlow have nailed it. I wish I wrote this book.”
Chris Brogan, co-author of TrustAgents

“As a social media strategist for a large brand, I understand the challenges companies face integrating social media. This book presents practical solutions in a way that makes sense for large enterprises.”
Bert DuMars, Vice President E-Business & Interactive Marketing, Newell Rubbermaid

“Lots of companies try their hands at social media and are unhappy with the results because they don't do their homework. Success in social media comes from smart preparation and making sure your online actions support your key business objectives. This book lays out the groundwork in a way that's easy for companies to understand and implement.”
—Justin Levy, author of Facebook Marketing: Designing Your Next Marketing Campaign

“Many enterprises continue to treat social media as a box they'd rather not open. With Enterprise Social Media Strategy, David Thomas and Mike Barlow not only provide organizations with the keys to that particular box, but also clear, actionable strategies for dealing with its contents. The payoff: happier customers, better products and services, and a potentially enormous trove of valuable business intelligence. Highly recommended.”
—Tom Webster, Vice President, Strategy, Edison Research










- Don Peppers和Martha Rogers博士,《打破規則,遵從法則》合著者

- Zena Weist,H&R Block社交媒體總監

- Chris Brogan,《信任代理人》合著者

- Bert DuMars,Newell Rubbermaid電子商務和互動營銷副總裁

“許多企業繼續將社交媒體視為他們不願打開的盒子。通過《企業社交媒體策略》,David Thomas和Mike Barlow不僅為組織提供了打開該盒子的鑰匙,還提供了處理其中內容的明確可行策略。回報:更滿意的客戶,更好的產品和服務,以及一個潛在的巨大寶庫的有價值的業務情報。強烈推薦。”
- Justin Levy,《Facebook營銷:設計您的下一個營銷活動》作者