The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web (Paperback)

Tamar Weinberg



Blogs, networking sites, and other examples of the social web provide businesses with a largely untapped marketing channel for products and services. But how do you take advantage of them? With The New Community Rules, you'll understand how social web technologies work, and learn the most practical and effective ways to reach people who frequent these sites.

Written by an expert in social media and viral marketing, this book cuts through the hype and jargon to give you intelligent advice and strategies for positioning your business on the social web, with case studies that show how other companies have used this approach.

The New Community Rules will help you:

  • Explore blogging and microblogging, and find out how to use applications such as Twitter to create brand awareness
  • Learn the art of conversation marketing, and how social media thrives on honesty and transparency
  • Manage and enhance your online reputation through the social web
  • Tap into the increasingly influential video and podcasting market
  • Discover which tactics work -- and which don't -- by learning about what other marketers have tried

Many consumers today use the Web as a voice. The New Community Rules demonstrates how you can join the conversation, contribute to the community, and bring people to your product or service.




- 探索部落格和微部落格,並了解如何使用Twitter等應用程式來建立品牌知名度
- 學習對話營銷的藝術,以及社交媒體如何依賴於誠實和透明度
- 通過社交網絡管理和提升你的網上聲譽
- 利用日益具有影響力的視頻和播客市場
- 通過了解其他營銷人員嘗試過的方法,發現哪些策略有效,哪些策略無效
