Active Directory Cookbook, 3/e (Paperback)

Laura E. Hunter, Robbie Allen

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2008-12-29
  • 定價: $1,980
  • 售價: 5.0$990
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1092
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596521103
  • ISBN-13: 9780596521103
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=5)




When you need practical hands-on support for Active Directory, the updated edition of this extremely popular Cookbook provides quick solutions to more than 300 common (and uncommon) problems you might encounter when deploying, administering, and automating Microsoft's network directory service.

For the third edition, Active Directory expert Laura E. Hunter offers troubleshooting recipes based on valuable input from Windows administrators, in addition to her own experience. You'll find solutions for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode), multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. The Active Directory Cookbook will help you:

  • Perform Active Directory tasks from the command line
  • Use scripting technologies to automate Active Directory tasks
  • Manage new Active Directory features, such as Read-Only Domain Controllers, fine-grained password policies, and more
  • Create domains and trusts
  • Locate users whose passwords are about to expire
  • Apply a security filter to group policy objects
  • Check for potential replication problems
  • Restrict hosts from performing LDAP queries
  • View DNS server performance statistics

Each recipe includes a discussion explaining how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations. Active Directory Cookbook is ideal for any IT professional using Windows Server 2008, Exchange 2007, and Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007, including Active Directory administrators looking to automate task-based solutions.

"It is rare for me to visit a customer site and not see a copy of Active Directory Cookbook on a shelf somewhere, which is a testament to its usefulness. The Cookbook takes the pain out of everyday AD tasks by providing concise, clear and relevant recipes. The fact that the recipes are provided using different methods (graphical user interface, command line and scripting) means that the book is suitable for anyone working with AD on a day-to-day basis. The introduction of PowerShell examples in this latest edition will be of particular interest for those looking to transition from VBScript. Laura has also done a great job in extending the Cookbook in this edition to encompass the broad range of changes to AD in Windows Server 2008."

--Tony Murray, Founder of and Directory Services MVP

"If you already understand Active Directory fundamentals and are looking for a quick solution to common Active Directory related tasks, look no further, you have found the book that you need."

--joe Richards, Directory Services MVP

"The Active Directory Cookbook is the real deal... a soup-to-nuts catalog of every administrative task an Active Directory administrator needs to perform. If you administer an Active Directory installation, this is the very first book you have to put on your shelf."

--Gil Kirkpatrick, Chief Architect, Active Directory and Identity Management, Quest Software and Directory Services MVP


當您需要實際的 Active Directory 支援時,這本廣受歡迎的烹飪書的更新版提供了超過300個常見(和不常見)問題的快速解決方案,這些問題可能在部署、管理和自動化 Microsoft 的網絡目錄服務時會遇到。

對於第三版,Active Directory 專家 Laura E. Hunter 提供了基於 Windows 管理員的寶貴意見以及她自己的經驗的疑難解答食譜。您將找到輕量級目錄訪問協議(LDAP)、ADAM(Active Directory 應用模式)、多主復制、域名系統(DNS)、群組策略、Active Directory 模式和許多其他功能的解決方案。《Active Directory Cookbook》將幫助您:

- 從命令行執行 Active Directory 任務
- 使用腳本技術自動化 Active Directory 任務
- 管理新的 Active Directory 功能,例如唯讀域控制器、細粒度密碼策略等
- 創建域和信任
- 查找密碼即將過期的用戶
- 對群組策略對象應用安全篩選器
- 檢查潛在的復制問題
- 限制主機執行 LDAP 查詢
- 查看 DNS 服務器性能統計信息

每個食譜都包括一個討論,解釋解決方案的工作原理和原因,因此您可以將解決問題的技巧適應類似情況。《Active Directory Cookbook》非常適合使用 Windows Server 2008、Exchange 2007 和 Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 的任何 IT 專業人士,包括希望自動化基於任務的解決方案的 Active Directory 管理員。

「很少有我去客戶現場時不見到《Active Directory Cookbook》的副本放在某個書架上,這證明了它的實用性。這本烹飪書通過提供簡潔、清晰和相關的食譜,為日常的 AD 任務帶來了便利。這本書使用不同的方法(圖形用戶界面、命令行和腳本)提供食譜,這意味著它適合任何日常使用 AD 的人。在這本最新版中引入 PowerShell 的示例對於那些希望從 VBScript 過渡的人尤其有興趣。Laura 在這版中也做了很好的工作,將烹飪書擴展到包括 Windows Server 2008 中 AD 的廣泛變化。」
- Tony Murray, 創始人和 Directory Services MVP

「如果您已經了解 Active Directory 的基礎知識,並且正在尋找常見 Active Directory 相關任務的快速解決方案,那麼不用再找了,您已經找到了需要的書籍。」
- Joe Richards,Directory Services MVP

「《Active Directory Cookbook》是真正的東西...一個從頭到尾的目錄,列出了 Active Directory 管理員需要執行的每個管理任務。如果您管理 Active Directory 安裝,這是您必須放在書架上的第一本書。」
- Gil Kirkpatrick,Quest Software 的首席架構師,Active Directory 和身份管理,Directory Services MVP

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