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Master Microsoft's .NET Framework using Delphi.
- Written by Delphi and .NET experts Xavier Pacheco and Steve Teixeira.
- In-depth coverage of the .NET Framework from a Delphi developer perspective.
- Master ADO.NET and ASP.NET using Delphi.
- Builds on Delphi's strong object-oriented capabilities to illustrate sound application architectures.
Xavier Pacheco is President and CEO for Xapware Technologies, Inc. An internationally acclaimed Borland Certified Delphi consultant and trainer, Xavier is a frequent conference speaker and best-selling author of Delphi 5 Developers Guide and writer for the Delphi Informant and Delphi magazines. Xavier is also a Borland TeamB member, a select group of volunteers who provide online support for Inprise/Borland products. Steve Teixeira is the Director of Core Technology at Zone Labs, a creator of Internet security solutions. As a research and development software engineer at Borland, Steve was instrumental in the development of Delphi and C++Builder
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to .NET.
2. Overview of the .NET Framework.
3. Introduction to Delphi for .NET and the New IDE.
4. Programs, Units, and Namespaces.
5. The Delphi Language.
6. AssembliesLibraries and Packages.
7. GDI+ ProgrammingDrawing in .NET.
8. MonoA Cross Platform .NET Project.
9. Memory Management and Garbage Collection.
10. Collections.
11. Working with the String and StringBuilder Classes.
12. File and Streaming Operations.
13. Developing Custom WinForms Controls.
14. Threading in Delphi for .NET.
15. Reflection API.
16. InteroperabilityCOM Interop and the Platform Invocation Service.
17. Overview of ADO.NET.
18. Using the Connection Object.
19. Using Command and DataReader Objects.
20. DataAdapters and DataSets.
21. Working with WinFormsDataViews and Data Binding.
22. Saving Data to the Data Source.
23. Working with Transactions and Strongly-Typed DataSets.
24. The Borland Data Provider.
25. ASP.NET Fundamentals.
26. Building ASP.NET Web Pages.
27. Building Database Driven ASP.NET Applications.
28. Building Web Services.
29. .NET Remoting and Delphi.
30. .NET Remoting in Action.
Template Project. Tracing Messages. Analyzing the SOAP Packets. Client Activation. Lifetime Management. Failing to Renew the Lease. Configuration Files. Switching from HTTP to TCP Communication. Switching from SOAP to Binary Remoting. Differences Between SOAP and Binary Encoding.
31. Securing ASP.NET Applications.
32. ASP.NET Deployment and Configuration.
Deploying ASP.NET Applications. Configuration Settings. Configuration Tips. Adding/Retrieving Custom Configuration Settings.
33. Caching and Managing State in ASP.NET Applications.
Caching ASP.NET Applications. State Management in ASP.NET Applications.
34. Developing Custom ASP.NET Server Controls.
User Controls. Web Controls.
使用Delphi掌握Microsoft的.NET Framework。
- 由Delphi和.NET專家Xavier Pacheco和Steve Teixeira撰寫。
- 從Delphi開發者的角度深入探討.NET Framework。
- 使用Delphi掌握ADO.NET和ASP.NET。
- 利用Delphi強大的面向對象能力來展示良好的應用架構。
Xavier Pacheco是Xapware Technologies, Inc.的總裁兼首席執行官。作為國際知名的Borland認證Delphi顧問和培訓師,Xavier經常在會議上發表演講,並是Delphi 5 Developers Guide的暢銷作者,也是Delphi Informant和Delphi雜誌的撰稿人。 Xavier還是Borland TeamB成員,這是一個為Inprise/Borland產品提供在線支持的選定群體。 Steve Teixeira是Zone Labs的核心技術總監,該公司是一家互聯網安全解決方案提供商。作為Borland的研發軟件工程師,Steve在Delphi和C++Builder的開發中起到了重要作用。
1. .NET簡介。
2. .NET Framework概述。
3. Delphi for .NET和新的IDE簡介。
4. 程序、單元和命名空間。
5. Delphi語言。
6. 組件庫和包。