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Readers have for some time been demanding more practical information on how to use the .NET technologies. The great promise of .NET is that it allows the different parts of an enterprise application to be built using the same platform; yet, until now, .NET books have avoided covering the sort of issues that arise when these large applications are being constructed.
This book delivers what readers have been asking for by teaching valuable .NET techniques in the context of a complete, working application. The application is presented at the start of the book and is then used as the basis for a variety of activities that build the readers' ability, knowledge and confidence. The example application, a survey tool, can be easily adapted to a wide variety of tasks that require the collection and processing of information within an organization. The advice provided in the book makes it very easy for readers to customize the application to their particular needs. This means that readers get a great starting point for their own projects
Table of Contents:
1. Setting Up Your Development Environment.
2. Using the Survey Development Suite.
3. Exploring the Code of the Survey Development Suite.
4. Experimenting with the Code for the Survey Development Suite.
5. Customizing Survey Repository.
6. Customizing Survey Development Studio.
7. Customizing PocketSurvey.
8. Improving the Code of the Survey Development Suite.
9. Extending the Survey Development Suite.
Creating a Survey Analysis API. Dynamic Image Generation with ASP.NET and GDI+. Conclusion.
讀者們已經要求更實用的資訊,來了解如何使用 .NET 技術。 .NET 的偉大承諾在於它允許企業應用程式的不同部分使用相同的平台來構建;然而,直到現在,.NET 書籍都避免涵蓋在構建這些大型應用程式時出現的各種問題。
本書滿足了讀者的需求,通過在完整的工作應用程式的背景下教授有價值的 .NET 技術。應用程式在書的開頭介紹,然後用作各種活動的基礎,以提升讀者的能力、知識和信心。這個範例應用程式是一個調查工具,可以輕鬆適應各種需要在組織內收集和處理資訊的任務。書中提供的建議使讀者能夠非常輕鬆地根據自己的特定需求自定義應用程式。這意味著讀者可以為自己的專案獲得一個很好的起點。
1. 設定開發環境
2. 使用調查開發套件
3. 探索調查開發套件的程式碼
4. 實驗調查開發套件的程式碼
5. 自定義調查儲存庫
了解 RBS 系統。強制執行 RBS。創建管理網站。結論。
6. 自定義調查開發工作室
7. 自定義 PocketSurvey
PocketSurvey 自定義。受訪者反饋和額外審核。結論。
8. 改進調查開發套件的程式碼
改進調查開發套件程式碼。利用 IDisposable。添加智能客戶端自動更新功能。結論。
9. 擴展調查開發套件
創建調查分析 API。使用 ASP.NET 和 GDI+ 進行動態圖像生成。結論。