Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed

John Ray, William C. Ray

  • 出版商: SAMS
  • 出版日期: 2005-07-09
  • 售價: $2,020
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,919
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1560
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0672327465
  • ISBN-13: 9780672327469
  • 相關分類: MAC OS 蘋果電腦
  • 已過版




A best-seller that once showed you how to reign in a panther can now show you how to tame a Tiger. Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed is the most comprehensive guide to unlocking the full power of Mac OS X Tiger that you can find. Written by Unix/BSD experts and Mac users, John Ray and William C. Ray, you will go inside the Mac OS X Tiger operating system and the underlying BSD environment. In-depth background coverage and useful hands-on lessons will help you understand the changes with the new version and master the new features. Lessons include:

  • Working with files and applications
  • Running classic Mac OS applications
  • Native utilities and applications
  • Intalling third-party applications
  • Third-party BSD command-line applications
  • Configuring the system using BSD utilities
  • Remote administration
  • Serving a Windows network
  • Routine maintenance

Learn to deal with the most trouble-prone aspects of the Mac OS X Tiger user interface and how to exploit the new features to get the most out of your system with Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed.


Table of Contents:


    Welcome to Tiger

      What's New Pussycat?

    Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed


1. Managing the Tiger Workspace.

    Getting Started

    Using the Tiger Finder

      Understanding the Finder Window Components

      Managing Finder Navigation Views

      Navigating Using the Go Menu

      Connecting to Network Resources

      Finder File Operations

      Viewing File Information and Metadata

      Finding and Organizing Information with Spotlight

      Working with Smart Folders and Finder Finds

      Burning CDs and DVDs

      Customizing the Desktop

      Fine-tuning Finder Preferences

    Using the Dock

      Adding and Launching Application Shortcuts

      Switching Active Applications

      Interacting with Running Applications

      Creating File and Folder Shortcuts

      Using the Predefined Dock Shortcuts and Behaviors

      Customizing the Dock Appearance

    Accessing Common Functions Through Menu Extras

    Force Quitting Applications

    Managing Windows with Exposé

    Using the Dashboard

      What Is Dashboard?

      Activating and Deactivating the Dashboard

      Managing Widgets

    Using Fast User Switching

    Help Viewer


2. Useful Tiger Applications and Utilities.

    Storing Contact Information: Address Book

      Understanding the Address Book Standards

      Finding Your Way Around the Address Book

      Working with Address Book Cards

      Organizing Contacts into Groups

      Setting Up Directory Servers

      Printing Envelopes, Mailing Lists, and Labels

      Importing and Exporting vCard Data

      Sharing and Synchronizing Contacts Through .Mac

    Creating Calendars, Events, and To Do Lists: iCal

      Understanding the iCal/vCal Standard

      Managing Calendars and Calendar Views

      Managing Events

      Working with Event Attendees and Invitations

      Creating To Do Lists

      Sharing Calendar Information

      Printing Calendars

    Basic Image and PDF Manipulation: Preview

      Using the Viewer

      Viewing and Editing PDFs

      Viewing and Editing images

      Viewing and Setting Image and PDF Metadata

    Multimedia Playback: QuickTime 7

      Setting Up QuickTime

      Using the QuickTime Browser Plug-in

      Using the Standalone QuickTime Player

      Adding Codecs and Playing the Unplayable

      QuickTime Pro Features

    Storing and Managing Sensitive Information: Keychain Access

      Understanding Keychains and Keychain Scope

      Understanding Keychain and Application Interaction

      Creating and Managing Passwords and Notes

      Managing Digital Certificates

      Managing Keychains

      Repairing Keychain Problems

    Synchronizing Information Between Devices: iSync

      Managing iSync Devices


    Running Legacy Mac OS Applications: Classic

      Configuring Classic Applications

      Controlling the Classic Environment

    Other Tools and Utilities


3. Internet Applications.

    Browsing the Web: Safari

      Understanding the Basic Browsing Controls

      Browsing the Web in Safari

      Maintaining Your Security and Privacy Online

      Reading News (RSS/Atom) Feeds in Safari

      Bookmark Management

      Additional Safari Preferences

    Accessing Email: Apple Mail

      Setting Up Mail

      Reading and Managing Email

      Dealing with Spam

      Applying Rules to Messages

      Managing Email with Mailboxes

      Composing and Sending Messages

      Applying Parental Controls

      Mail Utilities and Diagnostic Tools

    Video and Audio Conferencing: iChat AV

      Required Conferencing Hardware

      Setting Up iChat AV

      Logging In to Your IM Accounts

      Configuring Your Online Information

      Managing Your Buddy List

      Initiating IM and A/V Conferencing

      Communicating via Text Messaging

      Conversing via Audio Chats

      Conducting Video Chats

      Applying Parental Controls

      Setting Event Alerts

      Diagnostics with the Connection Doctor

    Searching the Internet: Sherlock

      Choosing a Search Channel

      Expanding Search Options with Third-Party Channels

      Managing Channel Collections

    The Enigma That Is .Mac

      Defining .Mac

      Setting Up .Mac Service

      Using the iDisk

      Syncing Your Tiger Application Information

      Configuring the .Mac Screensaver

      Using .Mac Web Services


4. Controlling Applications with Automator and AppleScript.

    Automating Your System with Automator

      Understanding the Workflow Paradigm

      Exploring the Automator Interface

      Creating a Workflow

      Running and Debugging Workflows

      Managing Workflows

      Saving Workflows as Plug-Ins

    Creating Advanced Automation with AppleScript

      Using the Script Editor

      Script Editor Controls

      Exploring the Scripting Dictionary

      Entering a Sample Script

      Viewing Results

      Tracing Events

      Saving Scripts

      Changing Scripting Preferences

    Understanding AppleScript Syntax

      Sending Instructions to an Application: tell

      Manipulating Variables: set/get

      Using Flow Control: If

      Creating Iteration with repeat

      Creating Subroutines

      Accessing the Command Line from AppleScript

      Scripting the Unscriptable

    Additional AppleScript Tools and Resources

      Activating the Script Menu

      Using Folder Actions

      Installing Scripting Additions

      Running Command-Line AppleScript Tools

      osascript <script filename>

      AppleScript Studio

      Other Sources of AppleScript Information



5. Configuring Tiger Hardware Support and Preferences.

    Managing Displays: Displays and Display Calibrator Assistant

      Setting Resolution

      Fine-tuning Geometry

      Performing Color Calibration

      Multiple Monitors

    Configuring Keyboards and Mice: Keyboard & Mouse

      Setting Keyboard Repeat and Delay

      Setting Trackpad and Mouse Options

      Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

    Tablet Device Input: Ink

      Setting Up Ink

      Providing Input via Ink

      Using Ink Pad Mode

      Configuring Input Options

      Using Gestures for Common Commands

      Providing Input in Other Languages

      Teaching Uncommon Words to Ink

    Bluetooth Devices and Services: Bluetooth Preferences and Bluetooth File Exchange

      Getting Ready for Bluetooth

      Configuring Global Bluetooth Settings

      Managing Bluetooth Devices

      Adding a New Device

      Using Paired Devices

      Controlling Server-Side Services

      Transferring Files over Bluetooth: Bluetooth File Exchange

    Disks and Disk Images: Disk Utility

      Launching Disk Utility

      Displaying Disk Information

      Verifying and Repairing Disks

      Erasing Volumes, Partitions, and Free Space

      Partitioning Volumes

      Using RAID

      Restoring a Volume from a Disk or Disk Image

      Working with Disk Images

    Scanners, Cameras, and Media Readers: Image Capture

      Using Cameras and Media Readers

      Using Flatbed Scanners

      Sharing Image Capture Devices

    Audio Input and Output: Sound Preferences and Audio MIDI Setup

      Configuring Sound Effects

      Changing Sound Output

      Choosing Audio Inputs

      Advanced Audio and MIDI Settings

    Switching Between Operating Systems: Startup Disk

      Choosing Your Boot Device in Tiger

      Sharing Your Drive via FireWire and Target Disk Mode

      Choosing Your Boot Device in Mac OS 9.x

    Handling Optical Media: CDs and DVDs

    Saving Electricity and the Environment: Energy Saver

      Choosing Preset Energy Settings

      Setting a Startup and Sleep Schedule

      Limiting Processor Speed and Other Options


6. Printer, Fax, and Font Management.

    Using Print Center/Printer Setup Utility

      Adding a Local USB or FireWire Printer

      Browsing or Specifying Network Printers

      Configuring Printers Through the Printer Setup Utility More Printers Interface

      Getting Information on Configured Printers

      Creating Desktop Printers

      Printer Classes

    Setting Printing System Preferences

      Choosing a Default Printer and Page Setup

      Setting and Storing Print-Job/Document Printing Preferences

      Configuring CUPS Server-Specific Options

      Sharing Printers with Other Mac OS X Systems

    Using the Tiger Fax Capabilities

      Sending Faxes by Printing

      Receiving, Emailing, and Printing Faxes

    The CUPS System Interface

      Installing CUPS foomatic Drivers and Support Software

      Configuring Printers Through the CUPS Administrative Web Interface

      Administering CUPS Printers from Remote Locations

    Managing Fonts

      Installing a New Font

      Browsing and Managing Fonts with Font Book

      Using Fonts with the Font Pane

      Using the Keyboard Menu and Alternative Input Scripts

    Font Websites



7. Configuring Network Connectivity.

    Understanding TCP/IP Basics

    Configuring Network Connections

      Viewing Network Connection Status

      Network Port Configurations

      Setting Up Network Interfaces

      Using the Location Manager

    Connecting to a VPN

    Sharing a Single Internet Connection with Multiple Computers

    Using the Built-in Tiger Firewall


8. Customizing User and System Settings.

    Creating Multiple User Accounts: Accounts

      Introduction to Multiuser Systems

      Adding a New User

      Setting User Limitations

      Enabling Fast User Switching and Other Login Options

      Login Items

      Understanding Administrative User Capabilities

      Removing User Accounts

    Applying Account Security: Security

      FileVault Protection

    Setting International Options

      Setting User Languages

      Modifying Date, Time, and Monetary Formats

    Configuring Voice and Accessibility Options: Speech and Universal Access

      Using Voice Recognition

      Universal Access

      Using Voiceover Navigation Features




      Mouse & Trackpad

    Setting System Time and Date

      Date & Time

      Time Zone


    Using Spotlight to Search System Preferences



9. Accessing the BSD Subsystem.

    Getting Started with the Command Line

      Understanding the BSD Philosophy

      Using Terminal to Access the Command-Line Interface

    Interacting with Unix: Basic Unix Commands

      Introduction to the Unix Shell

      Shell Rules and Conventions

      Issuing Commands

      Getting Help Through Online Manual Pages

    Terminal Preferences and Configuration


10. Common Unix Shell Commands: File, Directory, and Disk Operations.

    Understanding Tiger, HFS+, and BSD Command Interaction

      Basic Unix File Principles

    Basic Tiger Filesystem Navigation

      Finding Your Current Location: pwd

      Listing Files in Various Locations: ls

      Moving Around the Filesystem: cd, pushd, popd

    Managing Files and Directories

      Moving and Renaming Files: mv

      Creating Directories: mkdir

      Copying Files: cp

      Creating Symbolic Links: ln

      Changing Modification Times and Creating Empty Files: touch

      Removing Files and Directories: rm, rmdir

    Examining File Contents

      Looking at the Contents of Files: cat, more, less

      Looking at Portions of the Contents of Files: head, tail

    Searching for Files, Directories, and More

      Finding Files: locate, find, mdfind

      Finding Files with Specific Contents: grep

    File Compression and Archiving

      Common Compression Utilities: bzip, gzip, zip, compress

      Archiving Files with tar

    Getting Disk and Directory Information: du, df

    Mounting/Unmounting Volumes: diskutil


11. Using File Permissions and Access Control Lists.

    Introduction to File Permissions

      Read, Write, and Execute

      Owner, Group, and World

      Extended Bits

      Special Flags

      Checking File Permissions: ls -l

      Controlling File Permissions: chmod

      Controlling a File's Permissions Using the Finder

      Controlling a File's Ownership

      Controlling the Special Flags: chflags

    Applying Advanced Resource Control Using ACLs

      Understanding ACLs

      Controlling ACLs in Tiger

    Being Someone Else for a While: su, sudo

      Choosing Between su and sudo: Pick Your Risk


12. Process Management.

    Understanding Process Management

    Using Common Process Management Commands

      Listing Processes: ps

      Listing Shell Child Processes: jobs

      Backgrounding Processes: bg

      Backgrounding Processes with &

      Foregrounding Processes: fg

      Stopping Processes, Sending Signals: kill, killall

      Listing Resource-Consuming Processes: top

      Automating Process Execution with cron

    Communication Between Processes: Redirection, Pipes

      Redirection: STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR


    Managing Processes Graphically: Activity Monitor

      Controlling the Process Listing

      Monitoring System Statistics

      Creating Activity Graphs


13. Using Common Command-Line Applications and Application Suites.

    Networking Applications

    Browsing the Web: lynx

      Accessing FTP Servers: ftp

      Terminals in Terminals: telnet, rlogin, ssh

      The "Busload of Useful Tricks" Network Client: cURL

    Mail Clients

      Retrieving Remote Mail: fetchmail

      Building Block Simplicity: mail

      Full-Featured Power: pine

    Text Editors

      Quick, Dirty, and Omnipresent: vi

      Everything and the Kitchen Sink: emacs

      Simple and Quick: nano

    Printing Tools

      Sending Jobs to the Printer: lpr

      Checking the Print Queue: lpq

      Removing Printer Jobs: lprm

      Controlling CUPS from the Command Line: lpoptions, lpadmin, lpinfo

    Bridging the GUI to Command Line Gap: Hybrid Software

      The Command Line and the Pasteboard (Clipboard): pbcopy, pbpaste

      Integrating GUI Tools and Command-Line Programs: TurboTool, ScriptGUI, gnuplot

      Mixing and Matching to Text-Processing Perfection: AlphaX, OzTeX, and TeX

