Bankers Like Us: Dispatches from an Industry in Transition

Glyptis, Leda



This book will resonate with anyone no matter where you reside on this journey, whether newbie or old guard. If you want to be part of this change, you need to understand all about the messy middle that Leda so expertly describes in this book. If you read this book and it doesn't resonate, then I suggest you think about stepping aside. - Curt Queyrouze, President, Coastal Community Bank

The world is going digital, and so is banking-in fits, starts, and circles. Why is it so hard? Why is the industry constantly getting in the way of its own technological progress and what can we do about it all? This book looks at the human and structural obstacles to innovation-driven transformation and at the change in habits, mindsets and leadership needed for the next stage of the digital journey and argues that this change will be brought about, not by external heroes and saviours, not by a generation yet to be born, but people just like us. People who understand the industry and its quirks. Bankers who have the grit, determination and energy to drive change. Bankers like us.

This book celebrates and chronicles the shared experience of bankers like us. It starts with a 'this is who we are' piece, including the author's trench credentials. It then presents an overview of corporate culture (this is what we deal with and a few ideas on how to handle it), as well as a piece on why transformation is so difficult and so many get it wrong; a piece on the challenges our lack of diversity brings or compounds, and a hopeful look-ahead on what a team of principled, dedicated folks can do despite everything.


這本書將與任何人產生共鳴,無論你在這個旅程中身處何方,無論是新手還是老手。如果你想成為這個變革的一部分,你需要了解Leda在這本書中精確描述的混亂中間的一切。如果你讀了這本書卻沒有共鳴,那我建議你考慮退讓。- Curt Queyrouze,Coastal Community Bank總裁




Leda Glyptis is the author of the LedaWrites Fintech Futures column and regular contributor at industry events and publications. She is a lapsed academic and a recovering banker, having worked in 'incumbent banks' across various geographies and functions including innovation, IT and Operations. Most recently, Leda works as an executive with challenger banking software providers, rewriting the fabric of financial services. She is Chief Client Officer at 10x and has served at 11FS Foundry, QNB, Sapient and BNY Mellon. She holds an MA from King's College Cambridge and an MSc and PhD from the London School of Economics.


Leda Glyptis是LedaWrites Fintech Futures專欄的作者,也是業界活動和出版物的常駐撰稿人。她曾是一名學術界的人,也是一名康復中的銀行家,在各個地區和職能的「傳統銀行」工作,包括創新、IT和運營。最近,Leda在挑戰者銀行軟件供應商擔任高級職位,重塑金融服務的架構。她是10x的首席客戶官,曾在11FS Foundry、QNB、Sapient和BNY Mellon任職。她擁有劍橋大學國王學院的碩士學位,以及倫敦政治經濟學院的碩士和博士學位。