The Sufi Saint of Jam: History, Religion, and Politics of a Sunni Shrine in Shi'i Iran
暫譯: 詹姆的蘇非聖人:伊朗什葉派聖地的歷史、宗教與政治

Mahendrarajah, Shivan

  • 出版商: Cambridge
  • 出版日期: 2021-06-10
  • 售價: $4,590
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,361
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 294
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 110883969X
  • ISBN-13: 9781108839693
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



The Sunni saint cult and shrine of Ahmad-i Jam has endured for 900 years. The shrine and its Sufi shaykhs secured patronage from Mongols, Kartids, Tamerlane, and Timurids. The cult and shrine-complex started sliding into decline when Iran's shahs took the Shiʿi path in 1501, but are today enjoying a renaissance under the (Shiʿi) Islamic Republic of Iran. The shrine's eclectic architectural ensemble has been renovated with private and public funds, and expertise from Iran's Cultural Heritage Organization. Two seminaries (madrasa) that teach Sunni curricula to males and females were added. Sunni and Shiʿi pilgrims visit to venerate their saint. Jami mystics still practice ʿirfan ('gnosticism'). Analyzed are Ahmad-i Jam's biography and hagiography; marketing to sultans of Ahmad as the 'Guardian of Kings'; history and politics of the shrine's catchment area; acquisition of patronage by shrine and shaykhs; Sufi doctrines and practices of Jami mystics, including its Timurid-era Naqshbandi Sufis.


阿赫馬德·伊·賈姆(Ahmad-i Jam)的遜尼聖人崇拜和聖殿已經持續了900年。這座聖殿及其蘇非教長獲得了蒙古人、卡爾提德王朝、帖木兒和帖木兒王朝的贊助。當伊朗的沙皇在1501年選擇了什葉派的道路時,這個崇拜和聖殿複合體開始走向衰退,但如今在(什葉派)伊朗伊斯蘭共和國的庇護下正享受著復興。聖殿的多元建築群已經在伊朗文化遺產組織的專業知識以及私人和公共資金的支持下進行了翻新。新增了兩所教授遜尼課程的宗教學校(madrasa),供男性和女性學習。遜尼派和什葉派的朝聖者前來尊崇他們的聖人。賈米的神秘主義者仍然實踐「知識論」(ʿirfan)。分析了阿赫馬德·伊·賈姆的傳記和聖人傳記;將阿赫馬德市場化為「國王的守護者」;聖殿周邊地區的歷史和政治;聖殿和教長獲得贊助的過程;賈米神秘主義者的蘇非教義和實踐,包括其帖木兒時期的納克什班迪(Naqshbandi)蘇非教徒。
