Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 (Paperback)

Benjamin Perkins, Jacob Vibe Hammer, Jon D. Reid



Get started with Visual C# programming with this great beginner's guide

Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 provides step-by-step directions for programming with C# in the .NET framework. Beginning with programming essentials, such as variables, flow control, and object-oriented programming, this authoritative text moves into more complicated topics, such as web and Windows programming and data access within both database and XML environments. After your introduction to each of the chapters, you are invited to apply your newfound knowledge in Try it Out sections, which reinforce learning and help you understand the practical applications of the new concepts you have explored. Through this approach, you can write useful programming code following each of the steps that you explore in this essential text.

  • Discover the basics of programming with C#, such as variables, expressions, flow control, and functions
  • Discuss how to keep your program running smoothly through debugging and error handling
  • Understand how to navigate your way through key programming elements, such as classes, class members, collections, comparisons, and conversions
  • Explore object-oriented programming, web programming, and Windows programming

Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 is a fundamental resource for any programmers who are new to the C# language.


使用這本絕佳的初學者指南,開始學習 Visual C# 程式設計。

《Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015》提供了在 .NET 框架中使用 C# 程式設計的逐步指引。從程式設計基礎知識開始,例如變數、流程控制和物件導向程式設計,這本權威性的書籍進一步探討了更複雜的主題,如網頁和 Windows 程式設計,以及在資料庫和 XML 環境中的資料存取。在每個章節的介紹後,您將有機會在「試試看」的部分應用您新學到的知識,這些部分強化了學習並幫助您理解所探索的新概念的實際應用。通過這種方法,您可以按照本書中所探索的每個步驟撰寫有用的程式碼。

  • 探索使用 C# 的程式設計基礎知識,例如變數、運算式、流程控制和函式

  • 討論如何通過除錯和錯誤處理使程式順利運行

  • 了解如何在關鍵的程式設計元素中導航,例如類別、類別成員、集合、比較和轉換

  • 探索物件導向程式設計、網頁程式設計和 Windows 程式設計

《Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015》是對 C# 語言新手來說的基礎資源。