$780$616 -
$800$600 -
$2,275$2,161 -
$613Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux (Paperback)
$2,400$2,280 -
$1,350Exploring Raspberry Pi: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux (Paperback)
$964通信 IC設計 (套裝共2冊)
$454BeagleBone 開發指南 (Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux)
$564圖像處理、分析與機器視覺, 4/e (Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, 4/e)
$3,110$2,955 -
$564概率機器人 (Probabilistic robotics)
$500$390 -
$200人工智能基礎 (高中版)
$556GNU/Linux 嵌入式快速編程 (GNU/Linux Rapid Embedded Programming)
$2,900$2,755 -
$658Xilinx FPGA 權威設計指南:基於 Vivado 2018 集成開發環境
$653Linux 命令行與 shell 編程實戰, 4/e (A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, 4/e)
$403FPGA 現代數字系統設計 — 基於 Xilinx 可編程邏輯器件與 Vivado 平臺
$505FreeRTOS 內核實現與應用開發實戰指南 — 基於 STM32
$602嵌入式 C語言自我修養 — 從芯片、編譯器到操作系統
$2,120$2,014 -
$750$563 -
$450$351 -
$811精通嵌入式 Linux 編程, 3/e
In-depth instruction and practical techniques for building with the BeagleBone embedded Linux platform
Exploring BeagleBone is a hands-on guide to bringing gadgets, gizmos, and robots to life using the popular BeagleBone embedded Linux platform. Comprehensive content and deep detail provide more than just a BeagleBone instruction manual-you'll also learn the underlying engineering techniques that will allow you to create your own projects. The book begins with a foundational primer on essential skills, and then gradually moves into communication, control, and advanced applications using C/C++, allowing you to learn at your own pace. In addition, the book's companion website features instructional videos, source code, discussion forums, and more, to ensure that you have everything you need.
The BeagleBone's small size, high performance, low cost, and extreme adaptability have made it a favorite development platform, and the Linux software base allows for complex yet flexible functionality. The BeagleBone has applications in smart buildings, robot control, environmental sensing, to name a few; and, expansion boards and peripherals dramatically increase the possibilities. Exploring BeagleBone provides a reader-friendly guide to the device, including a crash course in computer engineering. While following step by step, you can:
- Get up to speed on embedded Linux, electronics, and programming
- Master interfacing electronic circuits, buses and modules, with practical examples
- Explore the Internet-connected BeagleBone and the BeagleBone with a display
- Apply the BeagleBone to sensing applications, including video and sound
- Explore the BeagleBone's Programmable Real-Time Controllers
- Updated to cover the latest Beagle boards, Linux kernel versions, and Linux software releases.
- Includes new content on Linux kernel development, the Linux Remote Processor Framework, CAN bus, IoT frameworks, and much more!
Hands-on learning helps ensure that your new skills stay with you, allowing you to design with electronics, modules, or peripherals even beyond the BeagleBone. Insightful guidance and online peer support help you transition from beginner to expert as you master the techniques presented in Exploring BeagleBone, the practical handbook for the popular computing platform.
- 熟悉嵌入式Linux、電子學和編程
- 掌握電子電路、匯流排和模塊的接口,並通過實例進行實踐
- 探索連接到互聯網的BeagleBone和帶顯示屏的BeagleBone
- 將BeagleBone應用於感測應用,包括視頻和聲音
- 探索BeagleBone的可編程實時控制器
- 更新以涵蓋最新的Beagle板、Linux內核版本和Linux軟件發布
- 包括有關Linux內核開發、Linux遠程處理器框架、CAN匯流排、物聯網框架等的新內容