Java: A Beginner's Guide, 7/e (Paperback)
Herbert Schildt
- 出版商: McGraw-Hill Education
- 出版日期: 2017-10-09
- 定價: $1,500
- 售價: 6.0 折 $900
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 752
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1259589315
- ISBN-13: 9781259589317
Java 程式語言
Java 編程入門官方教程, 7/e (Java: A Beginner's Guide, 7/e) (簡中版)
Java: A Beginner's Guide, 8/e (Paperback)
Up-to-Date, Essential Java Programming Skills―Made Easy!
Fully updated for Java Platform, Standard Edition 9 (Java SE 9), Java: A Beginner’s Guide, Seventh Edition, gets you started programming in Java right away. Bestselling programming author Herb Schildt begins with the basics, such as how to create, compile, and run a Java program. He then moves on to the keywords, syntax, and constructs that form the core of the Java language. The book also covers some of Java’s more advanced features, including multithreaded programming, generics, lambda expressions, Swing, and JavaFX. This practical Oracle Press guide features details on Java SE 9’s innovative new module system, and, as an added bonus, it includes an introduction to JShell, Java’s new interactive programming tool.
Designed for Easy Learning:
• Key Skills and Concepts―Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
• Ask the Expert―Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
• Try This―Hands-on exercises that show you how to apply your skills
• Self Tests―End-of-chapter quizzes to reinforce your skills
• Annotated Syntax―Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated
最新、必備的Java程式設計技巧 - 輕鬆上手!
《Java: A Beginner's Guide, Seventh Edition》已完全更新至Java平台標準版9(Java SE 9),讓您立即開始學習Java程式設計。暢銷程式設計作家Herb Schildt從基礎開始,教您如何建立、編譯和執行Java程式。接著,他介紹了Java語言的關鍵字、語法和結構,這些是Java語言的核心。本書還介紹了一些Java的高級功能,包括多執行緒程式設計、泛型、Lambda表達式、Swing和JavaFX。這本實用的Oracle Press指南還介紹了Java SE 9創新的模組系統,並且作為額外的禮物,還包含了JShell的介紹,這是Java的新型互動式程式設計工具。
- 關鍵技能和概念:每章開頭列出了該章節涵蓋的具體技能清單
- 專家解答:問答部分提供了額外的資訊和實用提示
- 動手試試:實際練習展示如何應用您的技能
- 自我測試:章末測驗以鞏固您的技能
- 註解語法:示例代碼附有評論,描述所示範的程式設計技巧