Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 2/e (Paperback)

Simon Monk



Program Arduino™ with ease―no prior programming experience required!

This thoroughly updated guide shows, step-by-step, how to quickly program all Arduino models― including the Arduino Uno R3. Written by hobbyist and electronics guru Simon Monk, Programming Arduino™: Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition, features easy-to-follow explanations, fun examples, and downloadable sample programs. Discover how to write basic sketches, use Arduino’s modified C language, store data, and interface with the Web. You will also get hands-on coverage of C++, library writing, and programming Arduino for the Internet of Things.

• Set up the software, power up your Arduino, and start uploading sketches
• Understand the basics of C language programming
• Add functions, arrays, and strings to your sketches
• Program Arduino’s digital and analog inputs and outputs
• Use functions from the standard Arduino library
• Write sketches that store data in EPROM or flash memory
• Interface with displays, including OLEDs and LCDs
• Connect to the Internet and configure Arduino as a Web server
• Develop interesting programs for the Internet of Things
• Build your own libraries and use object-oriented programming methods



這本全面更新的指南由業餘愛好者和電子專家Simon Monk撰寫,《Programming Arduino》:《Getting Started with Sketches》第二版,逐步展示了如何快速編程所有Arduino模型,包括Arduino Uno R3。本書提供易於理解的解釋、有趣的示例和可下載的示例程序。您將學習如何編寫基本的草圖,使用Arduino修改的C語言,存儲數據並與Web進行交互。同時,您還將深入了解C++、庫編寫以及為物聯網編程Arduino的實踐。

- 軟件設置、Arduino上電和上傳草圖的開始
- 理解C語言編程的基礎知識
- 在草圖中添加函數、數組和字符串
- 編程Arduino的數字和模擬輸入輸出
- 使用標準Arduino庫中的函數
- 編寫將數據存儲在EPROM或閃存中的草圖
- 連接顯示器,包括OLED和LCD
- 連接互聯網並將Arduino配置為Web服務器
- 開發物聯網的有趣程序
- 構建自己的庫並使用面向對象的編程方法