Schwinghammer's Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach, Twelfth Edition
Schwinghammer, Terry, Koehler, Julia, Borchert, Jill
Make the right drug therapy decisions with the leading guide to applying pharmacotherapy principles to real-world clinical practice
The perfect companion to DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 12th Edition
Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach uses 150+ cases to help you build the clinical decision-making skills required to identify and resolve commonly encountered medication therapy problems encountered in daily practice. Providing a consistent, practical approach, this authoritative guide delivers everything you need to master patient communication, care plan development, and documenting interventions. Case chapters are organized into system sections that correspond to those of the companion textbook. The case-based approach makes this an ideal resource for PharmD, Nurse Practitioner, and other allied health courses.
With each case you will learn how to:
- Identify actual or potential drug therapy problems
- Determine the desired therapeutic outcome
- Evaluate therapeutic alternatives
- Design an optimal individualized pharmacotherapeutic plan
- Develop methods to evaluate the therapeutic outcome
- Provide patient education
- Communicate and implement the pharmacotherapeutic plan
- Realistic patient presentations include medical history, physical examination, and laboratory data, followed by a series of questions using a systemic, problem-solving approach
- Compelling range of cases--from the uncomplicated (a single disease state) to the complex (multiple disease states and drug-related problems)
- Coverage that integrates the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences with therapeutics
- Appendices containing valuable information on pharmacy abbreviations, laboratory tests, mathematical conversion factors, anthropometrics, and complementary and alternative therapies
- Content that is ideal for both pharmacy and nurse practitioner markets
作為《DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 12th Edition》的完美伴侶。
《Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach》使用150多個案例,幫助您建立臨床決策能力,以識別和解決日常實踐中常見的藥物治療問題。提供一致、實用的方法,這本權威指南提供了您掌握患者溝通、護理計劃制定和記錄干預所需的一切。案例章節按照伴侶教科書的系統部分進行組織。這種以案例為基礎的方法使其成為藥學博士、護理專業人員和其他聯合健康課程的理想資源。
- 確定實際或潛在的藥物治療問題
- 確定期望的治療結果
- 評估治療替代方案
- 設計最佳個體化藥物治療計劃
- 開發評估治療結果的方法
- 提供患者教育
- 溝通和實施藥物治療計劃
- 真實的患者案例包括病史、體檢和實驗室數據,然後使用系統性、問題解決的方法提出一系列問題
- 多樣性的案例範圍,從簡單的(單一疾病狀態)到複雜的(多種疾病狀態和與藥物相關的問題)
- 將生物醫學和藥學科學與治療相結合的涵蓋範圍
- 附錄包含有關藥房縮寫、實驗室測試、數學換算因子、人體測量和補充和替代療法的有價值信息
- 適用於藥房和護理專業市場的內容