Java Software Solutions Foundations of Program Design, 8/e (IE-Paperback)

John Lewis, William Loftus



Intended for use in the Java programming course Java Software Solutions teaches a foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large realistic examples, this worldwide best-selling text emphasizes building solid problem-solving and design skills to write high-quality programs. Teaching and Learning Experience To provide a better teaching and learning experience, for both instructors and students, this program will: *Personalize Learning: Through the power of practice and immediate personalized feedback, MyProgrammingLab helps students fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of programming. *Help Students Build Sound Program-Development Skills: A software methodology is introduced early and revisited throughout the text to ensure that students build sound program-development skills. *Enhance Learning with In-text Features: A variety of features in each chapter help motivate learning. *Provide Opportunities to Practice Design Skills and Implement Java Programs: A wealth of end-of-chapter programming projects and chapter review features help reinforce key concepts. *Support Instructors and Students: Resources to support learning are available on the Companion website and Instructor Resource Center.


本書旨在用於 Java 程式設計課程《Java Software Solutions》,教授一系列程式設計技術的基礎,以促進良好設計的物件導向軟體。該書因其整合小型和大型現實範例而受到讚譽,強調建立堅實的問題解決和設計技能,以撰寫高品質的程式。

* 個性化學習:透過練習的力量和即時的個性化反饋,MyProgrammingLab 幫助學生充分掌握程式設計的邏輯、語意和語法。
* 幫助學生建立健全的程式開發技能:早期引入一種軟體方法論,並在全書中反覆提及,以確保學生建立健全的程式開發技能。
* 透過章節內的特色增強學習:每章中的各種特色幫助激勵學習。
* 提供練習設計技能和實作 Java 程式的機會:大量的章節末程式設計專案和章節回顧特色幫助強化關鍵概念。
* 支持講師和學生:支援學習的資源可在伴隨網站和講師資源中心獲得。