Starting Out with Python, 4/e (GE-Paperback)

Tony Gaddis



  • A clear and student-friendly introduction to the fundamentals of Python

    In Starting Out with Python®, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis’ accessible coverage introduces students to the basics of programming in a high-level language. Python, an easy-to-learn and increasingly popular object-oriented language, allows readers to become comfortable with the fundamentals of programming without the troublesome syntax that can be challenging for novices. With the knowledge acquired using Python, students gain confidence in their skills and learn to recognize the logic behind developing high-quality programs.

    Starting Out with Python discusses control structures, functions, arrays, and pointers before objects and classes. As with all Gaddis texts, clear and easy-to-read code listings, concise and practical real-world examples, focused explanations, and an abundance of exercises appear in every chapter. Updates to the 4th Edition include revised, improved problems throughout, and new Turtle Graphics sections that provide flexibility as assignable, optional material.

    MyLab™ Programming not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.

    MyLab™ Programming is an online learning system designed to engage students and improve results. MyLabProgramming consists of programming exercises correlated to the concepts and objectives in this book. Through practice exercises and immediate, personalized feedback, MyLabProgramming improves the programming competence of beginning students who often struggle with the basic concepts of programming languages.


《從Python開始》是一本清晰且學生友善的Python基礎介紹書。在這本由Tony Gaddis撰寫的第四版中,他以易於理解的方式介紹了高階語言Python的基礎編程概念。Python是一種易於學習且越來越受歡迎的面向對象編程語言,讓讀者能夠在不困擾初學者的繁瑣語法下,熟悉編程的基礎知識。通過使用Python獲得的知識,學生們可以增強自信,並學會辨識開發高質量程序的邏輯。


《MyLab Programming》不包含在內。如果MyLab是課程的推薦/必修組件,請向您的教師索取正確的ISBN和課程ID。只有在教師要求時才應購買MyLab。教師們可以聯繫Pearson代表獲取更多信息。

《MyLab Programming》是一個旨在吸引學生並提高學習成果的在線學習系統。MyLab Programming包含與本書概念和目標相關的編程練習。通過練習和即時個性化反饋,MyLab Programming提高了初學者學生在編程語言基礎概念上的能力。


  • Table of Contents
    1. Introduction to Computers and Programming
    2. Input, Processing, and Output
    3. Decision Structures and Boolean Logic
    4. Repetition Structures
    5. Functions
    6. Files and Exceptions
    7. Lists and Tuples
    8. More About Strings
    9. Dictionaries and Sets
    10. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
    11. Inheritance
    12. Recursion
    13. GUI Programming

    Appendix A. Installing Python
    Appendix B. Introduction to IDLE
    Appendix C. The ASCII Character Set
    Appendix D. Predefined Named Colors
    Appendix E. More About the Import Statement
    Appendix F. Installing Modules with the Pip Utility
    Appendix G. Answers to Checkpoints


  • 目錄

    1. 電腦和程式設計簡介

    2. 輸入、處理和輸出

    3. 決策結構和布林邏輯

    4. 迴圈結構

    5. 函式

    6. 檔案和例外處理

    7. 列表和元組

    8. 更多關於字串

    9. 字典和集合

    10. 類別和物件導向程式設計

    11. 繼承

    12. 遞迴

    13. GUI 程式設計

    附錄 A. 安裝 Python

    附錄 B. IDLE 簡介

    附錄 C. ASCII 字元集

    附錄 D. 預定義命名顏色

    附錄 E. 更多關於 import 陳述

    附錄 F. 使用 Pip 工具安裝模組

    附錄 G. 答案檢查點